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My Penis is hungry

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Posts posted by My Penis is hungry

  1. I ride often and at distance in Thailand, yes idiots out there, but by and by I find it oddly safer than Australia.


    Reason being is that Australian car drivers mostly have not driven Motobikes and are very aggressive. In THailand at least most car drivers have driven a motobike and show at times some small respect.


    I won't use moto taxi for long distance, I did use almost daily for short distance.


    Most of the near accidents I've had have been other peoples (drunks) faults

  2. Yes! Not a hard choice! What's fascinating is public bathing. I had no idea in Pohnpei everyone went of to their local water fall for a shower after work! In PNG it's go to your local gutter, drain or swamp.


    sad really, PNG should be the richest country in Pacific

  3. My daughter fly to Oz to see if she liked it and spent a few weeks at my old school on the coast. She loved it. No issues, we sent her via Thai, then she was 11 and needed the flight crew to look after her, that meant cost of adult ticket. At 15, you can go unaccompanied. I'd choose Thai just so there is that little extra safety net of language customs etc.


    We had family waiting for her, was good fun, She had a ball.


    Was good also as she decided she could actually live in Australia, her concern was that she'd noticed through family we don't speak English in Oz.


    All in all a great idea, do it!

  4. Sadly this will fail, you need to change it too


    I am monk BuBi from the German Buddhist Temple Association I shall explain, and I have to hand over in person 20 Million Euro's


    You need bait to catch this slippery fish


    On occasion of my next visit to the kingdom in March I shall capture his holyness Dhammachayo with utmost ease , the plan is this :


    Due to natural lack of hair I shall only need to buy an orange monk robe at Chatuchak market , ring the bell at Dhammakaya Temple and ask for my friend Dhammachayo . I am monk BuBi from the German Buddhist Temple Association I shall explain . As soon as he appears I take the handcuffs and there we are . I shall be genereously rewarded by the government and spend the rest of my life as inactive post at the beach .

  5. I'm in Micronesia at the moment. The following was on a local wall. Too funny and very real. Chuuk women, it's true!


    Dating Rituals in Micronesia by rustyrusty

    6 years ago edited August 2011 in General



    First date: You buy her dinner at Godfathers Bar and get to kiss her goodnight.


    Second date: You get to grope all over and make out.


    Third date: You get to have sex, but only in the missionary position.






    First Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex.


    Second Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex.


    Third Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex.


    20th Anniversary: You both get blind drunk and have sex.






    First Date: You meet at Islanders then go to 13 Fishermen then have sex.


    Second Date: You meet her parents.


    Third Date: She wants to marry you.


    5th Anniversary: You already have 5 kids together and hate the thought of having sex.


    6th Anniversary: You find yourself a girlfriend.






    First date: Meet at USSP Bar then have sex.


    Second date: Meet her parents.


    Third date: Set the date of the wedding.


    Fourth date: Wedding night.






    First Date: You meet at USSP Bar then get dynamite sex.


    Second Date: You get more great sex.


    Third Date: You tell her you'll marry her and never get laid again.






    First date: You buy her dinner and drinks at the Tribe, but nothing happens.


    Second date: You buy her dinner and drinks at Shirleys Coffee Shop, but nothing happens again.


    Third date: You don't even get to the third date and you already realized nothing is going to happen.






    First date: You meet at Jonny's Bar.


    Second date: You take her to the Grotto.


    Third date: You take her to Managaha Island.


    Fourth date: You take her to Jonny's again, get drunk then have sex.


    Fifth date: You have sex then take her to the airport.






    First Date: You meet at her cousins house and have sex at your cousins house.


    Second Date: She's pregnant.


    Third Date: She moves in. One week later, her mother, father, her two sisters, her brother, all of their kids, her grandma, her two cousins, her sister's boyfriend and his three kids move in ... and you live on rice and chicken and/or turkey tail for the rest of your life in your home that used to be nice, but now looks like a barracks for tagalus.




    THE POINT????



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