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Everything posted by The_Munchmaster

  1. It sounds like there's something wrong with your camera!
  2. No he didn't, he was just a CUNT. Anyone else who didn't agree with him / laud his bullshit stories got the same.
  3. Cav, all good jokes are re-run. Much better than pics with captions, which really aren't jokes.
  4. Bangkok Missy to stop posting crap.
  5. I met a Mongolian lass in Jockeys Bar in Dubai, absolutely stunning she was.
  6. I lived in Jakarta for almost 2 years in 90/91 and loved it, particularly the women. PS Frede was a cunt.
  7. As I didn't use the word "proceeding" (which would have made no sense anyway) I therefore didn't spell the word "preceding" incorrectly. PS If you don't know what you are talking about then perhaps best not to try and correct others. Oops, I forgot you're a Thai and therefore always correct.
  8. I did assume that they weren't, however the last line of your thread states, "Anyone else got anything interesting to say about their ancestors,......." implying that the facts preceding were about your own ancestors.
  9. Your ancestors were Vikings?!
  10. Best place for children on any flight is in the hold.
  11. Is this just another one of these "let's try and wind up the other board members" type posts that Little Missy Sunshine seems to enjoy starting?
  12. One of my best friends, when I lived in Indonesia, was an Aussie called Jock.
  13. There was an old Aussie farmer digging post holes in his paddock near the main road, when a black car pulled up with steam billowing from under its bonnet. Two men, both attired in black suits, white shirts and black ties, got out of the car and approached the old farmer. "Excuse me sir, can you please help us as our car seams to have become incapacitated". "Yer better let me have a look then", replied the farmer and after looking under the bonnet, he filled the radiator with water from the sheep trough and said, "Ya have hole in ya radiator, if ya leave ya radiator cap off it will get ya to the next town, Kickaginalong. When ya get there go and see old Fred at the Caltex garageâ€. "Thats a lovely deed you’ve done sir, you’re a good samaritian in a harsh land", said one of the men. "We would like to thank you by giving you a book in appreciationâ€, said the other. "Nope, not fur meâ€, said the farmer, “I havent got time fur readen’, I’m up with the sparras and into bed with the chooks". "Perhaps if we read you a passage from the book you might like to take it", said the one of the men. "Well go on then, be quick, I gotta get home fur me tea", said the farmer. "Well, there were two people called Samson and Delilah and they were grinding corn near Jerusalem, when a thousand Philistines came across the top of the hill. Now Samson slew a hundred of them with the jaw bone of an ass and routed the rest!" "Jeez, that’s a beaut of a story, whats the book called?†said the farmer scratching his head.’ "Its called the Bibleâ€, said one of the suited gents. "Who wrote itâ€, asked the farmer. "The Lord wrote the Bible", said the gent in a hushed voice. "Never heard of himâ€, said the farmer, “But if ya givin it away I wouldn’t mind havin itâ€. "Here you are, you deserve it, you’re a good man", said the gent and they left. On Friday night the farmer goes into town and walks into the pub with the Bible under his arm. One of his mates pipes up, “G’day Jock what’s that under your wing?†“It’s a book and I’ll let you read it when I’m finishedâ€, says Jock. "You don’t read ya silly old bugger….what’s it called anywayâ€, mocks his mate. “It’s called the Bibel†replies Jock, “and it’s a hell of a bookâ€. “I’ll tell ya a story out of it then you’ll want it". “Go on then, this I gotta hear", says his mate. Jock puffs his chest out and starts, "Well, there were two people called Simpson and Delicious and they were having a grind in the corn near Jerilderie, when a thousand Philipinos came across the top of the hill. Now Simpson slew a hundred of them with the ass bone of a Jew and rooted the rest!"
  14. Another example of Thai-Ness is changing your profile picture every few days.
  15. FotoFile have a few shops in MBK. One of them sells secondhad gear. Don't know about refurbished though.
  16. They probably wouldn't be so expensive if various powerful folks didn't demand their cut of the deal.
  17. An excellent example of Thai-Ness from this weeks Stickman column, "Thais always know better and really don't like it when foreigners interfere. Suggestion that the girl should get checked out at hospital wasn't just dismissed, it was considered ridiculous. More alcohol, that was what she needed. The Thais always know better." Nuff said.
  18. If this is the sort of shite you're going to post on your return, then you probably should have stayed away.
  19. I don't think he is!
  20. I thought you spat the dummy and left the board?!
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