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Everything posted by Bangkoktraveler

  1. Nicely said. Soon the exposures of what is in the garbage cans will be coming out. Comedy Central!
  2. Republicans have openly admitted that Romney and party are data mining the internet for personal information on people in hopes of finding some more contributors. Is this practice ethical?
  3. Romney is data mining the internet trying to find out who has money and if they are Republicans. Will this bit of wizardy be turned over to the IRS to find out who has money and hasn't paid the tax on it?
  4. Another shooting.... this time in New York City ...... How could this happen? New York State has one of the toughtest gun controls in the nation and New York City has even tougher gun controls. and to make matters worse....... rumors claim some people were hit by 'friendly fire' from the cops!
  5. I am in Arizona! This is the test bed for shit that will be passed to the other 49 states. Remember the Miranda Rights? That begun in Arizona! - different twist.
  6. Romney is part of the old school of Mormonism. Under the old scholl of Mormonism, blacks were the lowest of lowest. Mexicans were not very far behind. It is surprising in this 'day and age' that the Mormons were one of the last to try to remove some of their prejudices.
  7. Homeland Security and TSA were put into place by a former Republic regime. As far as I am concern, Homeland Security looks like a National Police...... A police agency that doesn't have to operate like other police agencies. Papers please!
  8. Religious beliefs carry over into the political circus. Not too long ago Mormon's looked upon Blacks as the lowest of lowest..... Mexicans were considered by Mormons to be almost on the same level as Blacks. Romney is from the Mormon old school which were taught Blacks are (bad)....... Will this old hatred carry over into the election? In Arizona, old Mormon hatred spills over in the various political offices held by Mormons so why not on a national scale?
  9. It is hard to believe that Parley Pratt, Mitt Romney's great, great, grand father was behind so much trouble that was leveled upon the Mormons.
  10. It was Parley Pratt who made it public that polygamy is okay. What most people don't know is the Mormons got tossed out of New York State because some of the Mormons had slaves. The Mormons claimed slavery and polygamy came right out of the mouth of God. It is amazing how many times man's governments had the final say about God's words and found the words of God to be wrong!
  11. Arizona's great 'hero' Russell Pearce who penned SB1070 is a Mormon and his great, great, grandfather participated in the Meadow Mountain massacre. I was surprised to find that Russell Pearce is a Mormon! Small world.
  12. Mitt Romney's great, great grand father (Parley Pratt) got shot and stabbed to death by his 12th wife's 'real' husband on May 13. 1857. This happened in Arkansas. A wagon trained left Arkansas headed to California via Utah shortly after that death. When the wagan trail arrived in Utah, on 9/11 (the first 9/11) is when the Mormons got 'an eye for an eye' and killed all of the people of the wagon train except those younger then 8 and took about $300,000.00 of their wealth. This massacred occurred within the week when Bringham Young was declaring Utah a soverign 'State'.
  13. The Mormons at one time really wanted to have an independent country of their own. Will Bishop Mitt give them what they want?
  14. Miitt Romney's great grand father got so pissed off he flew the American flag at half mast on July 4, 1885 to protest the American view on polygamy. Will Mitt fly the mask at half mask on the 4th to protest Obamacare?
  15. When Mitt Romney was a Bishop and a President of a Stake, did he have it in for Blacks like other mormon did of that era?
  16. Maybe what we should do is do what the Mormon's did back in 1857 when they massacred about 140 people (those that were 8 years and older) at Mountain Meadows so they could acquire about $300,000.00 worth of 'stuff the slaughtered settlers left behind. Romney's clan wasn't directly involved in the massacre but some of those that were involved did end up settling in Apache County, Arizona where the Romney's lived. In the 1880's flames of the massacre rekindled and when the Romney's and a few others were found to be living on land that was not their own, and issues of polygamy, etc. came to light, the Romney's fled to Mexico. Those mormons who stayed behind continued their 'fight' which ended in a bloody mess. One of the dead was the instigater at the so-called 'Gunfight at the OK Corral' Ike Clanton.
  17. Romney believes the Devil is Jesus' brother. Will everybody have yo believe that?
  18. Wait a minute...... Wasn't a Republican that gave us Homeland Security? and wasn't a Republican that gave us personal income tax at the Federal level during the Civil War?
  19. I am leaning toward voting Republican. I think the country would be a lot better with less Federal goverment such as Homeland Securty, the IRS.......
  20. If a USA citizens flees the country for fear of being arrested (Federal crime - felony category) and then settles in their new country and in their new country produces several children, are the children automatically given USA citizen status? Could the election come down to debating this issue?
  21. I have mentioned the hatred by some citizens in the USA against Sikhs on this forum in the past. Shortly after 9/11/2001 a citizen near Phoenix, Arizona, USA 'bagged' a Sikh. He thought he was a Moslem. . I don't think this is a gun issue but a 'freedom of religion' issue.
  22. If Obama was born in Africa and if Romney's father's parent forgot to register Romney's father's birth with the American Consulate while living in Mexico ........ does that mean morally there is no one to run for the Presidency?
  23. Lord Reagan gave us the largest influx of illegals via his amnesty. Why is he called a super patriot?
  24. So can we say the Republican treasure chest is being filled by Communist/Socialist money? Is Romney going to France?
  25. Why is Mitt Romney in England? Every conservative knows the Brits are Socialist Communist so why is Mitt patronizing the enemy?
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