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Everything posted by Bangkoktraveler

  1. Sounds like the USA will smell like some of the Chinesee cities. Will Romney allow smoking? Will he ban coffee?
  2. Romney is going to create jobs but he refuses to state how he is going to do this. I thought the Republicans were against government creating jobs......
  3. I wish Willard would stop calling Social Security and Medicare an entitlement. If he wants to do away with entitlements, the VA Hospital looks like an entitlement.
  4. So what is Homeland Security going to do..... kill illegals or will it be trained on us?
  5. Unfortunately Willard was parroting what all Republicans parrot...... I pay a lot in taxes..... but personal income tax I pay nothing because I took large losses during GWB's reign. Because of that Republicans claim I live on entitlements. If that is true, them why do Republicans drive on the roads I help to pay for! Why don't Republicans drive on the side of the road? Why don't Republicans refuse police and fire protection and save taxpayers more money? And why don't Republicans stop sending their kids to public schools and county and State colleges and universities. Because they all LOVE entitlement! And when Republicans vote, have them vote in a place that costs the tax payers absolutely nothing! Why doesn't Willard reactivate the Mormon Battalion and have the Danites lead them into all the battle the Republicans want to start...... of course they will have to do it for free and provide their own weapons, clothing and food. Surely they don't want to live off 'entitlements' now do they?
  6. Under the GWB regime, I 'lost' about $200,000.00 in my business. Because of such heavy losses, I do not need to pay 'taxes'. But like the rest of the 47% I pay sales taxes, property taxes and excise taxes - don't those taxes count? In 'America', I haven't been able to find somebody who doesn't pay some taxes. Does that mean Willard is an idiot? Or does it mean I have to be on the lookout for the Danites?
  7. Why does Willard want to go to Iran when he believes the Devil and Jesus are brothers?
  8. That many Republicans taking a vaction outside the USA?
  9. Even Rush Limbaugh claims Ben Ladin was only a minor player in the role of terrorism and the Moslems 'gave up' Ben Ladin so as to make Obama look good. If that is true, why did GWB go to Afghanastan?
  10. Hard to calculate 'hate'. 'Hate' has always been around. For example slavery was okay once but some would consider that 'hate'.
  11. Some Universitys in the USA were shut down due to threats of bombs linked to the crap going on in the Middle East. I guess Terry Jones is due for another award.
  12. These Presidents are never considered, but without them the USA might never be what it is today. Peyton Randolph Henry Middleton John Hancock and 15 other 'lost' Presidents.
  13. Mormons have always had unique ways to make money........ but that doesn't justify what they do as being right.
  14. If Willard was President, would he re-activate the Mormon Battalion and have his boys go and do the 'dirty work'?
  15. Willard claims the Middle East is unsafe because of Obama. I guess he wants to go over there and kick Iran's arse first and then kick all the other arses. Even GWB didn't think that big.
  16. Terry Jones is right back stirring up some more shit. I guess he makes Willards day.
  17. When people started getting laid off when GWB was President, the Republicans made no effort to 'create' jobs. Now..... the Republicans are 'all concerned' about the unemployment issue. Isn't that a flip flop?
  18. For most Christians, believing that Jesus and the Devil are brothers is a 'little' hard to swallow. When Joseph Smith was alive, the Mormons wanted all of the USA for themselves. Some claim they even went so far as to make Joseph Smith King of the USA. Back in 1857 when the Mormons murdered about 120 to 140 people that were of a wagon train going west, they also tried making Utah a soverign country. Even today they claim 'one' will appear and become President of the USA and President of the LDS and make the USA their own country with LDS as the religion of the world.
  19. Willard Romney promises to create jobs......... why didn't GWB create jobs when so many people were losing their job(s)?
  20. The Republicans want to decrease taxes and increase the military while balancing the budget. ...... and I suppose everybody will end up with a chicken in their pot!
  21. Is Willard Romney going to remember the first 9/11 which occurred on 9/11/1857?
  22. Sounds like Willard is becoming a Socialist!
  23. Now which God is he talking about. Mormons claim Jehovah is God of this world but not the supreme God. They also claim Jehovah and Jesus are the same. After the Mormons baptized Adolph Hitler, Adolph is now destined to be a God over his own world. Being that th Mormons believe Jesus and the Devil are brothers......... .... wait.... are Mormons Scientologists?
  24. ........ and Matt Bissonnette will probably make a small mint on the Conservative radio stations.
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