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Can a foreigner own a house or building?


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My understanding is that the limited company option is the safest way for a foreigner to acquire land and hold it fully under their control. I have heard talk about leases but do not know anyone who has done it themselves although I remember it seemed a popular option when I looked at buying in Koh Samui.


Is a limited company a safe bet? who really knows as their is I believe an issue with using nominee shareholders however Siam Commercial Bank was happy enough to lend me money to buy mine that way so I assume that they must be quite relaxed about it. However they were insistent on checking all the land registration details and Chanot.



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"Is a limited company a safe bet? "



I think it's technically illegal as the company has to be trading and one set up purely for the purposes of purchasing a house would not be.


It all depends on whether or not they want to enforce the law, which they don't seem to do at this moment in time, but who knows about the future.

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According to my info, you can own the house but not the land, but only if you have a resident permit. (permanent)

I'm waiting for my resident permit to be requested on the end of this year, after having 3 consecutive, in Thailand supplied 1 year visa's. That's the criteria according to emigration in Suanplu.

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>Whats the point of owning a house on someone elses land?

>Sort of defeats the purpose doesn't it?


Even in the West there are houses that are built on leased land. For many people this does not matter, as long as the lease is long and solid enough. With modern construction techniques most houses will be uninhabitable and not worth repairing even in a couple of decades, not to mention 99 years.


However, my understanding is that in Thailand the lease agreement might often unexpectedly be not as solid as you thought...




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But what is the point of buying the house and not owning the land underneath it? What happens if you want to expand the house footprint on the land you have leased of the owner?


For me I would never buy a house on leased land.....just does not seem a worthwhile investment.....Each to their own!!!



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