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Dodgy Ankle


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I realise that you are neither physicians nor psychics, but here goes :


About 18 years ago, I suffered a painful sprain of my ankle while surfing : I was washed over the falls and slammed feet first into a sandbank. I thought I had broken both ankles, but X-Rays revealed no fracture. I've since been told that a bad sprain is actually worse than a fracture, because it never heals. Now, when its cold and/or wet, the ankle gives me curry and I am finding myself hobbling around like an 80 year old.


Anyone out there with a similar problem ? If so, is there anything medical science can do ? I mentioned it to my doctor, but he wants me to have an X-Ray and I cant see what use that is - they ruled that out 18 years ago ...


Thanks in advance, board paramedics !



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Now, when its cold and/or wet, the ankle gives me curry and I am finding myself hobbling around like an 80 year old.


Find nice sandy beach with lots of sun. (the warmth improves circulation and makes it feel better.)


Get chaise lounge, umbrella, sidetable, lots of sunscreen, cooler with favourite beverage, portable music with all those oldies you love.


Find sweet accommodating lady to help pore beverage, apply suntan oil, gently place affected limb on cushion, and minister to every desire. (thus reducing stress level and aiding general health)


In other words get your butt back to LOS before you're foot seizes completely. This is SERIOUS medical advice!!



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You have what my orthopod called "weather ache" and it is real. I have the same achy problem resulting from multiple broken bones from a car accident.


I feel it whenever I am in cold weather or especially with changes in the barometer before it rains. I don't know if there is anything the docs can do for it. Taking tylenol seems to help my aches.

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I also had a problem with my ankle, although it sounds a bit different to you. It used to be painful even when walking, and very stiff in the morning or after sitting for a long time. I saw various doctors, nurses, and physio's, and frankly they were all totally useless. In the end I (accidentaly) found out about Voltaren capsules (I tried the cream before, but it didn't help) and these made a huge difference after only one days' worth of treatment. My theory is that I had an inflamed tendon/ligaments (which is also what happens in a sprain) and the Voltaren took the inflammation down. The problem does come back from tiem to time, but not for long if I rest.


Worth giving a try and available from most pharmacies.


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You can also see the gp and get a script for Brufen which is exactly the same as Neurofen except an eigth of the price. this is usually presribed for chronic back/knee/ankle/shoulder pain.

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