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are karaoke girls easy?


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Sometimes see comments concerning singers at karaokes, some guys seem to think customers can wander in and treat these girls just the same as girls in an a go go bar. Some of them might 'be up for it' but none of them appreciate being treated rudely, and this includes being pawed. A warning on this from the phuket gazzette:


Bottom-toucher hacked to death



PHUKET TOWN: A man who touched a karaoke girl on the bottom was hacked to death in a machete-swinging melée between two groups that followed the seemingly trivial incident early today.


The girl?s boyfriend, who was outraged at the bottom-touching, is being sought over the killing and the wounding of two other men in a battle behind Tuenjai Apartment at Poonpol Night Plaza on Poonpol Rd about 1:30 am.


Police said the dead man, whom they named as Boonruam Sanaram, 21, from Nakhon Phanom, went with three friends to a karoake bar on Ongsimpai Rd, near Nimit Circle, last night.


Police were told that he had called over a girl, Nong O, to sit with them and chat. While chatting, Boonruam touched O on the bottom. She grew angry and left the bar to tell her boyfriend, Bao, what had happened.


Bao then allegedly brought 10 of his friends and pursued Boonruam, who had left the karaoke with his friends on their motorcycles. They caught up with them behind the apartment building, and the battle began.


Pol Capt Kittitat Daengnui, a duty officer at Phuket Town Police Station, called to the rear of the apartment early today, found Boonruam dead, two others wounded, and a fourth exhausted but unharmed after managing to hide in the dark.


Police are now hunting for Bao and his friends.



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Tis sad that the world over men will kill each other over silly transgressions concerning women. I understand the instict to protect but at some point common sense has to materialize.

This guy may go to prison or be killed by someone seeking vengeance. The girl will eventually get a new boyfriend and move on with her life as he rots away behind bars and the victim is dead.

Two mens' lives ruined over silly pride.

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Well I knocked around a few of these places when I lived upcountry. The rule of thumb is that Kareoke girls are not hookers but are definitely not good girls. Many of them seem to be mia nois of one sort or another. This said some of them would go with customers for money. Not 1000B or whatever though. You had to be a BIG spender. Certainly out of my league. The waiters knew who would and who wouldn't. This was in the big classy places the smaller outdoor or shophouse kareoke bars might be a different matter altogether but to tell the truth I never really fancied enquiring as the ladies weren't all that attractive.

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