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Matrix 2 at Royal Garden Plaza Theatre in Pattaya


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That's more than what I pay in the States. It's only 70B at the Royal Garden. I thought the special effects in the movie was so outstanding, it more than made up for the fact that it didn't have a story. The movie leaves you hanging w/ a statement that there's a sequel to come.

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I have to agree that the movie was mediocre. I expect that we all went in with very high expectations.


The highlight for me, and also the low point, was the amazing fight scene between our hero and at least 100 copies of 'Smith' in the quadrangle. The problem I had with the fight scenes was 'why ?' When you have a guy who can fly (!), and enemies he knows he cant kill, why the hell even bother in a situation like that. Still, it was a technological marvel to watch, and the choreography must have taken weeks to put together.


The aspect of the film which really annoyed the shit out of me was 'Zion'. Why is it that directors feel that any major change in humanity's technological progression will ultimately have us wearing rough hemp clothing and dancing Zulu-like in a mass orgy ? These are people who have built an entire city deep within the bowels of the earth, and there isnt a seamstress among them ? It did provide a stark contrast between the 'too cool' outfits everyone was wearing back 'in the Matrix' (aka downtown Sydney), but it still annoyed more than any inconsistencies which may have arisen in the first installment.


My other gripe is the love scenes. The older I get, the more onscreen 'passion' bores the bejesus out of me. Yes, I got the part about his love for old Leather Pants being central to his decision to fight on, but they didnt have to hit me on the head with it. Unless its something like Michael Douglas bending Jeanne Tripplehorn over a desk for some rear action (Basic Instinct), I'll be quite happy to have the censor nip out every 'artistic' love scene from future movies - particularly those which run for more than 90 minutes.


OK - I admit that my gripes arent necessarily yours, but this film offered so much and delivered so very little. Lets hope they can get it all together for 'Revolution'.

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We saw it on saturday 12pm session less than 40 people in the joint.

But is still raking in the dollars.

We did not see the first one so a bit in the dark at first.

The highway stunts were very good as well. :up:

Special effects were great i think it was a 20mins too long?


Better see the first one i think at least to compare :dunno:

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