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Nation article on visa renewal update?


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First we need to consider the term "legal" as it applies to Thailand. While in a lot of countries, the laws are codified - that is, nothing is illegal untles it is precisely spelld out in the law as being illegal, it seems that laws are liberally interpreted by the enforcing agency as it suites their current need. So, while something might be technically leagal, that may not save your sorry bacon.


Now: Its is probably legal to send you passport in for a visa even when you are not in your home country.


Now, who wants to go first?




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>>>U.S. citizens do not get entry or exit stamps from The U.S.<<<



but non-US citizens do need those stamps.

also, in case of a US citizen the exit and entry stamps should somehow match trips taken to the US to get those visas. going just across the border to laos or cambodia and coming straight back to use the that way obtained visa will leave very little time to send the passport off from within the US to apply for the visa.

anyhow, it is illegal. simple as that.

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I hear you talking. Can you show that in writing from Thai immigration laws. What if I am working in Bosnia with a trip

for a couple months to Thailand coming up. Di I need to fly to the USA just to mail the passport in from the USA. Besides

this I also do not get entry and exit stamps in passport while in Bosnia. So whats up with this picture. Several countries are the same with no Thai consulates. I have read the same comments from others but no reference with the thai law regulation. I believe it is pur speculation.

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