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Jacko's up to his Old Tricks again


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Latest news in the UK is that Jacko's gaff's been raided 'cos they think his been 'playing' with kids again.

Who think's he'll there's any substance in these allegations ? If there is will he get off again? Last time there was this type of 'unfair criticism' ( MCCaully Culkin case) charges were dropped after he weighed the familly in for 60 Million Dollars.


Mr SLH--you know this was a tasteless thing to say ;)




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What is known is that Jacko enjoys the company of children.What is'nt known and has never been proven is that he is a paedophile.

What I can see is some guy who is absolutley minted and has more money than he can ever spend being extorted.

"My lad has been round Jacko's house.I can see an oppertunity to make a few bob here"thinks parents.

I don't know why Jacko and his lawyers don't try cleaning out one of these paracites financally and exposing them for what they are rather than pay them off because its less hassle.

Thats my 2 bhts worth.

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Well, there is a warrant for his arrest. The interview in England where he talks about sleeping with boys scared the hell out of me frankly. Innocent or not, he doesn't have a f**king clue. The man is 45 frigging years old. How come its only male children he likes to hang out with? Yes, I know there are female kids there as well but they are only there as siblings to the main child he wants to hang out with. If he's innocent, and I hope he is, because I've rather it made up than a child being molested, he only has his self to blame. I have no pity for him even if he's innocent. He's got his own kids to sleep in the bed innocently enough with.

If he's not innocent, I'm equally as upset at the parents of the child. Why even chance it? Even if as a parent you felt that the original charges were probably untrue, why even leave your child alone with someone over night? Is it worth the risk? Goes to show you how some people are so caught up with celebrity they'll put their own child at risk. If there was molestation I hope that the judge makes sure the parents don't see a red cent and it stays in trust for the child when he becomes of age.

Allegedly the child was (is) a cancer victim and wished to meet Jackson. Jackson supposedly paid his medical bills. Even if he did as a parent and the child or Jackson wanted to spend the night, I'd have to say no. At best I'd be present whenever Jackson was there.


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Very true, its never ever been proven that Jacko has done anything improper. Instead he has these wretched parasites that accuse him just for $$$$


Jacko shouldnt have to surrender, indeed the family of the person making the alleagation should be thrown in Gaol and have all their assets seized.


Jacko has only ever been kind, if he is guilty of anything its that he's maybe a little bit of an oddball



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jordy chandler reputedly got sucked off by jackson and allegedly got a £12million pay off, what was bizarre about that case was that Jordy's dad who was a dentist (i think) was keen to encourage his son's friendship with Jackson as he was trying to get a script he had written in his spare time produced (more bizarrely still the script was for Robin Hood:Men in Tights and even more bizarrely again it was made)


if someone offered you £12million to give you a blow job what would you say?

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Lets assume he's not. Then he's showing incredibly bad judgment to keep inviting children and sleeping with them. How many 20 million dollar payments will it take for him to learn then? Maybe he should have one of those nanny cams put in and when an accusation occurs again, counter sue the parents of the child when the tape shows there was nothing going on, on the dates in question.


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