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Over-reacting and how to proceed


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Had the exact opposite experience last night in Pattaya. Was eating dinner at the Blue Parrot on Soi Pattayaland 2. My bill was 210B and I handed the waitress 220B and started to walk out. She ran after me and handed me a 1000B note. I had mistakingly gave her 1120B :doah: (it was dark where I was sitting). She could have easily pocketed the 900B and I wouldn't have realized. After thanking her profusely, I increased my tip 10 fold and she gave me a deep wai. It's nice to know that not everyone's trying to rip you off here.



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By all means go back and pretend nothing happened.


Provided, that is, you do not mind having your next drink in that bar mixed with spit or heaven knows what else.


Thais, particularly those working in bars etc., do not forgive and forget, even among themselves, and when a Farang acts like a boor they will take great delight in extracting revenge, however long it takes; and you can be sure that their revenge will not be commensurate with the Baht 170 they, apparently, tried to cheat you out of.

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I would say a) - take your custom else where. Whatever you do don't do B): going back as if nothing ever happened will make you look stupid in their eyes and encourage them to rip you off again. Bar staff (and the Thais in general) have got to learn that dishonesty is bad for business. Even if you don't escalate the issue further - not worth it for B70 - you should at least deprive them of your business.


On a more general level I have rarely suffered this problem. I have had a little bit of bill padding in restaurants around the north east. Bar staff tend to try it on only if I am a bit pissed - and in their minds vulnerable. This is one of the reasons why I drink in moderation in go-gos and move on before wracking up a big bill. The other reason is that alcohol dampens my libido. I'm there for the girls, not the beer.


One case of a blatant attempt at overcharging that springs to mind was in the hostess bar at the top of the Pink Lady Hotel in Hat Yai. The place was a rip-off for starters: B150 for my beer, B150 for the LD and B150 for the pleasure of the lady's company (talking, no diddling) plus 10% service - total of B495. The bill I was presented with was for B995: I looked at the supporting chits - nothing to support the extra B500. When I complained they came back with the correct bill. "Oh sorry we make mistake". Bollocks they did. The waitress looked pretty hacked off when I left without giving her a tip.



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Well, I had a situation in which I over-reacted. The situation was not exactly the same but similar in important ways.


Anyway, I over-reacted and told someone I would not be back. After I left I realized that I had over-reacted and I was disappointed that I had done so and I felt I could not go back to this place. I should mention that historically it has been very difficult for me to admit I was wrong under any circumstances. In recent years, I have learned to admit when I was wrong and have surprisingly found that people are usually very gracious when I do so. In this case, I had an honest difference of opinion and was not wrong in my position but was wrong in my over-reaction.


So, I went back and almost immediately bumped into the person I had the disagreement with. He said to me, "you have been here before haven't you". I said, "yes, I have". In this brief exchange he was acknowledgeing that he remembered me and my statement that I wouldn't be back and I was putting my tail between my legs and admitting that I had come back. Then, he smiled and said, "nice to see you". Every time I have been back, this fellow says hello and is very nice to me.


So, I suggest you go back and I suspect people will probably graciously receive you.

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It was the Rose Bar and too be fair it was the first bad experience I had got there ( apart from being frightened a couple of times by some of the older women offering their services :: ).


Normally I do try and break bigger bills asap so i give them as little chance as possible for wrong changing but it was just chance ( or a few too many ) that meant i either gave them about 200B short or a 1000b note and get change. c'est lavie and all that.



RickF - I told you i was having a bad December!

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Always carry small bills.


Any consolation, I did not realize it but I passed of a 10 baht bill for a 20 baht bill. Works both ways, only I did not mean to do it.

A monumental achievement for sure, bet no one could repeat that. ::


I passed off a 5 baht bill for a 5000 baht bill intentionally. Strange things happen in them gogo bars. :: :drunk::grinyes:

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Interesting post script to this.


I sent a whole load of Happy New Year SMS messages to folks just after the bells, about 2.30 I got a phone call from the girl and the more than welcome line of "Do you want to meet me?" was heard. :grinyes:


A meeting was duly arranged and New Year got off to a bang :hubba: with a promise made of I couldnt tell anyone in the bar I had met her. :shhh:


Seems like January could be a good month!

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