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Mission: Village Impossible- Part One


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Mission: Village Impossible

by Maxal


Part One- Should I stay or should I go?


It was raining hard as the gf and I ran along Sukhumvit towards the hotel. We laughed at how drenched we were getting each minute we walked. It was too close to take a taxi but far enough to get completely wet. The sound and smell of the rain gives me such as rush. I can?t fully explain it but I embrace the feeling that overcomes me. Being with the gf only makes it better. At the hotel we stripped off the wet clothes. I was lying down naked on the bed watching MTV Asia pondering our next move. After putting on a dry t-shirt and blue jeans, the gf starting gearing up for our ?trip.? I?m constantly entertained by watching her multi-tasking but time it was different. Suddenly, stopped to get on her mobile to make a call. She was pleading something to someone. My limited skills with Thai language couldn?t keep up but it didn?t matter because she was speaking Khmer. The gf stops to say, ?I tell my sister to clean house very dirty.? I simply nodded in approval despite having a few mixed drinks and being exhausted almost beyond belief. I tried keeping focused about the 3 hour notice of going upcountry for the first time and meeting the gf?s family. ?Are you sure darling? What will your Mama and family think when they see you bring a farang home for the first time? What will you tell her where you met me first time?? She assured me, ?No problem darling everything ok?? I had been seeing her for a total of about seven months before this sudden urge to take me home. It wasn?t only the trip and meeting her family that left a funny feeling in my gut. In less than 72 hours, I had to leave for the States and be at work the first full morning back. As a kicker, my plane ticket was also a problem. It was non refundable and changes were not allowed. ?No problem. We go, we come back ok? I not stay home. I follow you back Bangkok? the gf hastily said.


I had some mixed drinks with some of her friends at the bar before she wished all a good holiday: Buddhist Lent. They didn?t water down my drinks this time. I was going home for the weekend with one of their friends. I recall the looks two of the girls behind the bar gave us after dropping the news- like the gf was stupid and I was pyscho. Other girls were happy for us, one even looked jealous. The jealous bg always wanted me to BF her. She was the absolute stunner of the bar but none of the other girls liked her. Mamasan rolled her eyes at her last minute attempt to fish me. I had a pretty good understanding with Mamasan so her little signal to me was not overlooked. If not for the gf, I still would?ve taken the stunner in a heartbeat to see what all the fuss was about but it was too late. I was falling in love with my gf - something I NEVER expected to be doing with a part-time/full time BG, MPG, FL- whatever. Meeting her family and seeing her home was vital if I was going to stick with her or move on. The gf was proud and happy doing her victory lap around the bar even if it was subtle. I?m fascinated by how subtle or obvious Thais can be if you pay enough attention. The majority of the girls teased me with seductive smiles while waving goodbye as we left the bar shortly thereafter.


So there I was, in the hotel room pondering the next move. I said, ?Darling, I think maybe we should wait for next time for me to go home with you. There?s not too much time for me now. I have to go home for sure. I can?t miss my airplane.? The gf said, ?we have to go. I tell sister clean house and Mama and friends waiting we come together.? I was thinking. Fuck, just how many people are expecting me? The gf continued, ?We go, na? Please darling. We go bus station 12 o?clock,? she said with extra enthusiasm, ?We go ok?? I hesitated with my response. The gf stopped everything, gently sat down next to me on the bed and quietly said, ?up to you darling.? The mixed drinks and the smooth white ceiling I was staring up at for answers were not helping. I was about to set things in motion. No turning back. I will have to deal with all the consequences after I come back to the States and future visits to the LOS. Shit, I was thinking too much.


I remembered someone?s advice about just doing it and not regretting it- nothing poetic, just simple and direct. Reading or hearing tons of tips, facts, and stories about how to handle the first trip to the village with the gf, there was nothing more that could be done without actually doing it. My brain floated gently back down into my head after lingering in one of the ceiling?s corners. I was still buzzed yet trying to think straight. Nike shoes should change their slogan to ?Just fuckin? do it.? No time to puss out now.


I sat up and said, ?Ok, we go.?


The golden smile grew back on the gf?s face. I once again explained having to come back to Bangkok on time. She answered,?Yes, I understand, we go now honey. You need clothes.? The gf gestured at my resting Brutus between my legs peacefully watching MTV Asia along with my other brain. ?No!? I firmly stated, ?No clothes darling. I go to village same-same! Mama want to see me ok! She see ALL of me!!!? The gf burst into laughter. She replied, ?You ting-tong mak mak darling!? The still smiling gf leaned over the bed and sniff kissed me along the neck followed by a good ol? French kiss: the best of both worlds.


She unpacked my bag and stuffed the contents into her duffle bag while I got dressed. ?I carry darling- not need,? she explained. ?No problem, I will carry it separate ok?? I replied. We were out the door the second I packed my toothbrush into my small duffle bag. She looked a bit bothered I was carrying my own bag but soon got back on the track.


On 3 hour?s notice, at midnight, during heavy rain, on the eve an important Thai holiday, I agreed to go to a village somewhere near Surin, by unknown means of transport, be back in Bangkok in 48 hours, and fly out on a plane destined for the USA 12 hours later! Most forms of transportation were not available. I?ve never been upcountry. There was no time to go to an ATM. She insisted we leave for the Mochit bus station immediately. I was carrying 3200 Baht. How the hell was I going to pull this off? My curiosity was overtaking the risks. Seeing her home, her son, her family, the village and how we were going to get there got me motivated. I?m a sucker for a good adventure except this time I was an adventurous sucker in love. I figured if we can actually pull this off, we might have a chance together. Fate or foolishness?


This was my mission now. Mission: Village Impossible. Where?s my theme music?

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Thanks dvarpala. I never expected to have a story like this but I do. The rest of the story is coming. My work is really keeping me away from getting my village adventure out more often. I always look forward to similar stories from the other guys. There are some great ones. This one is all mine. I'm glad I can share it here and my upcoming website. For now, I'll keep you posted soon.

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