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A small traffic accident


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A few weeks ago I was involved in a small traffic accident in a province not too far from BKK.


I was patiently waiting for Green to make a U-turn at a major intersection. When the light turned green I started to make the turn, but out of nowhere came a motocycle trying to rush past me on the right hand side. Apparently the motocylcist had wanted to turn right, but found the front tire of my car first. He didn't make it and neither did I as my tire went flat.


Fortunately the motorcyclists was unhurt, but his bike was clearly damaged. He called his mom, who was selling food on the roadside nearby and soon several onlookers were around us. Apart from my flat tire, no damage to my car.


I looked at the situation and knowing that he was at fault, suggested that we just part ways. If the police came, I mentioned carefully, he surely was going to get fined. Well his clever mom woudn't hear of such a silly suggestion and called the police.

First 2 lowranks came along but couldn't make a judgement. An officer was called for and 5 minutes later a Lt. Col. drove by. He asked all to see him at the station, requested the lowerranks to change my tire. Off we went.


And guess what, indeed a motocycle may not pass a car on the right. Mom had never heard of such a law, but after her son's 5000 Baht fine she'll surely remember. On top of that the son had no driving licence and the bike no licence plate.

Another 2 fines later I was politely ask by the police officer if I wanted to claim any damage. I declined and was told that I could go on my way.


Thought it good to show that the police don't all take the local's side.

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Exactly the same thing happen to me on Ramkamheng last year May. The guy was trying to overtake me on the right while I was going in to a Soi on the right too :nono:. Of course he ditched his bike, my indicator was broke as well as my mirror. The dude had no license, no helmet, no license plate and was pissed. Typical Thai Dude from Nakon Nowhere working as a Motorcyc Taxi Driver. Well, I let him go and filed a claim with the Insurance. cheers, :beer:

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It was important that you noted there were no injuries. If someone has to go to the hospital, real money involved, the officers are likely to have the car driver pay wether Thai or Farang. Unless of course the car driver has 1st class insurance, not just the cumpulsory government ins.


som nam naa ee-mae

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Yes, i believe this happens more than people blabber the contrary about it(1). Still, in that case, did it help, IYO, that your thai is totally fluent, that you dress quite properly, and behave with the standing due to your profession?


(1) like thais not being stopped and fined for helmet laws. everywhere i've been in 4 weeks, Korat, CM, Pattaya, kids and not so kids were stopped routinely, barrage like. everyday too. After 7 years the law passed, i believe thai kids believe that wearing a helmet is bad for your karma, or attracts bad spirits. :dunno:

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