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Worst job near NANA this week


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Chongnoi said:

My understanding is that these guys are actually prisoners doing their community service...at least that's what I read some place. (A little different that "KP", i think.)


I was in Patpong Beach in Phuket saw a truck with a gang of kids in the back of the pickup style truck jump out with green garbage bags and gloves.They ran over to the drain holes and I watched as they popped the manhole covers. One or two jumped in and using their gloved hands reached down into the muck and scooped up the crap and drop it into the waiting, opened green garbage bags The bags were held opened by others from the truck.


They were all wearing the same color overalls and were being overseen by men in brown uniforms.


Boy, I've never seen so many young people hustling so hard. It was in the middle of the day with the sun at it's highest point. After they finished they all jumped back onto the benches in the rear of the truck huffing, puffing and drove off.


Looked like a prison detail to me. Kids working off their time.



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