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exercise / deep breathing / pollution

loner w/a boner

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Since rigorous exercise will result in deep breathing, is it likely that pollution particals could be drawn quite deeply into lung tissue? If so, does this pose a significant health risk?


What I'm getting at is: If I start jogging along on an indoors treadmill, deeply huffing and puffing, could I end up with damaged lungs?


Lastly, COULD a "quality" indoor HEPA air filter make a substantative difference?



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First of all, I am not a doctor so my advice is based on being in field of occ/env health and safety. Take that for what it is worth....


Particles are measured in microns and the key is the diameter or size of the individual material in question.


One has to be concerned with respiratory exposure meaning that the particles fall within the range of what reaches the areas of the lungs (av. sacs). It is there where they cause their damage if they lodge and take hold.


It has been a few years but i believe the concerned size for some particular matter is from 1 to 10 microns. I am thinking about the TB droplet. Above 10, it is too big and gets stuck prior to reaching sensitive areas. If it is too small (under one), it just passes through and out of the lung completely with minimal exposure. Remember not all particles are the same in size or configuration. Some will do damage in different part of the lung....


Please don't quote me on the actual sizes. If you really need to know, respond back to this thread and i can look it up at home. I am just at work and away from my resoucres at the moment.


Fumes and organic gases pose different threats and require different respiratory protection or engineering controls....


The bottom line to respond to your question as to heavy breathing as a potential risk? i would say no., In this case, size matters a lot (regardless of what girls tell you). You are at risk to airborne matter whether exercising or not.


Personally, don't stop exercising because of the suspected reason you presented. You will gain far more benefits from exercise than remaining sedatary even if you are exercising in a polluted environment.....


I also would bet there have been exercise studies in polluted environents and whether you are at risk. You might want to do a literature research..


After living in BKK for 4 years now, I have gain much more appreciation for US EPA regulations and especially the US Clean Air Act (CAA) and efforts made by US regional or local air resource boards...



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I would also say keeping ones immune system up would help also. Drinking plenty of water, juicing, and eating good food would help a lot. Smoking, drinking alchol, etc. are the real bad downers.

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