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Carrying Thai currency into LOS


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"the only limit I know of is the one EU and USA pressed Thailand to impose - more than 10 000 USD in any currency must be declared'


it's supposed to be the case when u change beyond that amount in the banks, but each time I had this happen , the clerk just made separate receipts of around 10K each. I'm sure he once specified i had to use a different signature ::

Better to use black market money changers BTW , U'll get 20 to 30 satangs more per dollar than in BKK bank

I wish cash money was so easily handled in the west

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>Better to use black market money changers BTW , U'll get 20 to 30 satangs more per dollar than in BKK bank <




That is about 1/2 to 3/4 percent more.


For that little difference, I wouldn't take the risk that any blackmarket deal inherently carries, e.g. rip-off, fake bills getting robbed etc.


I was once ripped off as a very naive 22 year old in India by a black market moneychanger. there the difference between bank and black market was about 80% at the time, which I considered worth the risk. But at half a percent, why bother

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ALL business people I deal with use the black market money changers, as well as quite a few tourists.They're mostly reliable. Even know one who will send someone to ur office to bring the cash, better for the heart than see a clerk taking Ur money away through the backdoor without having given U any kind of official receipt.

As 0.5%... that will quickly amount to a few threesomes if U trade regulary with Thailand, why lose them to the official way?

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You must be joking AmoresPerros? Why would anyone use a blackmarket money changer in Thailand? Thats reserved for where there are servere restrictions and closed economies.


Done it several times when travelling in countries in Africa etc - but with people I know well. The situation can change fast in countries also, some times it is worth it - other times not.


Maybe what you call a blackmarket money changer is really a legit one? I don't think the banks have a monopoly on changing money in Thailand?

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yes, sure, joking ::


well, they do set up offices but won't have any notice outside saying it's a money changing office, more likely nothing or a travel agency sign. How legit can U call that?? tough question though in Thailand. No receipt whatsover that looks official either, and no signs of currency either, only numbers printed out of a classical calculator.

But CBK, U know that, nah :rolleyes:

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This seems as likely as people using blackmarket to change from USD to local currency in the UK or Norway.


Thai economy is open when it comes to currency. The Thai Baht flows across the borders. I can go and get out Thai Baht in an ATM here in Norway. Maybe what you are talking about is money laundering in some kind of way, fake money I don't know.

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