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Near crash of plane in Norway - Asylum seeker


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This happened with plane which left from Narvik airport in Norway yesterday, A Dorneer 228 with 19 seats experienced an attack. An asylum seeker attacked the pilots with an axe (he also had 2 knifes) and the plane was near to crashing. 2 passengers interferred and the plane managed to land with serious injurious to the ones involved. Was seconds away from crash.


Nobody knows which country this guy comes from. He claims to come from Algeria. No identity papers, free to roam here although he is evicted from Norway.


Security on these small airports in Norway is under scrutiny now. I believe its a matter which should force a change of government. I watched the minister in charge on TV today, and it stinks with red face big time and sleeping in class. There is NO security check here in Norway except on international airports.

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What worries me is that it seems Norway creates loonies from these also, I don't know. Its been too many cases lately to ignore compared to other countries :dunno:


Maybe from inability to ship them out, whats other countries rules? And wander around freely stand here maybe? Prison here is not bad, and in some countries on serious crime return they will get death. Hi jack a plane, and its death sentence. We are not allowed by law to return anyone who can get a death sentence in a country.

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It is very very worrying. Nordic countries are very very liberal at the moment. I hope that changes soon. Of course every country wants to help bona fide persecuted people.


What has happened in UK is that immigrants have entered the country in such numbers that they are powerful. The left wing

press are constantly ramming down our throats that open door policy is beneficial .


It is not.


45% of greater London are not indigenous Britons.This maybe a multi-culturists dream but is it getting very unpleasant for the working English joe...


Public services are stuffed with people who have a limited grasp of the language. Fresh off the boat asylum seekers are being given roles as para-policemen.... god only knows what they have been up to in their oppressed homelands.


I welcome limited immigration from chinese, people from South Africa, God fearing Africans, but we seem to get all the chancers, criminals,muslim fundamentists...


Christ I hope I have enough to retire on ten years or I will be living in the Islamic republic of Eurabia when those Turkish barbarians join....


CBK thankyour govt that they didnt join the EC proper.




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Quite right prime minister zippy but I fear it's all too late, this country is fucked, well parts of it are. Went into town the other week and could not get on the bus as it was stuffed with asylum seekers, or should I say ecconomic migrants. I don't recall being asked at election times if I wanted tens of thousands of lying migrants living off state benefits coming into the area. Nobody seems to know how many there are but already we have a 'little somalia' with a claimed 20,000 there that have arrived in the past 3-4 years, lovely-peter

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Quite right prime minister zippy but I fear it's all too late, this country is fucked, well parts of it are. Went into town the other week and could not get on the bus as it was stuffed with asylum seekers, or should I say ecconomic migrants. I don't recall being asked at election times if I wanted tens of thousands of lying migrants living off state benefits coming into the area. Nobody seems to know how many there are but already we have a 'little somalia' with a claimed 20,000 there that have arrived in the past 3-4 years, lovely-peter

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The big problem is, you don't know where to kick them to. They have taken to filing off their fingertips to conceal identity (if they are in any registers). That solves itself by time though when it grows out.


They throw away all papers, and some can't be traced.


I am for locking those up, they roam freely in our country. It seems some of them deliberatly commit serious crimes which get a sentence here, to avoid getting thrown out. And all off them suffer amnesia during their crime ::

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I thought it was, or will be soon, a crime in UK to claim PA when the person has dumped all identifying papers.Of course it's all like closing the stable door when a million horses have already bolted. I had to laugh a couple of months back when my best mates wife came back from Africa. Before going she had chucked in her job of 10 years of processing the claims of 'asylum seekers'. I asked her if she was sure 90% of the claims were a pack of lies as she had told me in the past.She thought for a moment and declared in a broad ugandan accent, no it's more like 99% the british are such a soft touch they are all wanting to come here. She did herself.-peter

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