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What's the cause of insane killings?


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What is it with the Thais and their INSANE killings? And not once or twice but re-appearing unbelievable stories I keep reading or seeing on Thai TV.


Latest two examples:

1. Man was fired for always arriving late at work. Few days later enters the shop and kills the shopkeeper that happens to work that very day?? What for? To get even? By killing an innocent girl who is completely blameless to his problem? Sick asshole.


2. Man parks his motorcycle nearby a shop with playing kids around. One kid tries to climb or hang on it and causes it to fall. Man checks his motocy, estimates the damage and asks for 10.000 Baht!?!?. Mother of the kids (owner of the foodshop) explains she doesn't have that kind of money but offers 500 Baht for the damages. Man is pissed off. Returns days later and shoots the woman in broad daylight right in the face. For a very silly incident those two kids are left behind without their mother.

Sick asshole.


Stupid killings everywhere, I know, but never heard of anything that comes close to these examples. Thailand is full of silly incidents which end up in killing one or the other. :(


What could possibly be the cause of this?


Lack of education?

Bad upbringing?

Violent society?



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Hi Zaad,


Not only in Thailand.


>>>>1. Man was fired for always arriving late at work. Few days later enters the shop and kills the shopkeeper that happens to work that very day?? What for? To get even? By killing an innocent girl who is completely blameless to his problem? Sick asshole.<<<<


Ever hear of "going postal" in the US?


Gotta remember there are 60 million people in Thailand. There will be many killings, and many deaths, every day. Just like around the rest of the world. My gf watches this Thai TV station every night, which relishes in reporting the most bizzare happenings in Thailand. Items like what you reported above, is nothing. Some really wierd shit goes on there, that will never make it to the western press.


But going 'postal' for the Thai's, is not a recent development. A lot to do with the culture of keeping things in check, and trying to be 'jai dee', I think. They keep it all in, until they just freaking explode. Intresting.....just hours ago I was chatting with my gf at office. She said she finally let loose on a co-worker that I've heard about for months now. I kept telling her to address the issue, but she could not, out of not wanting to make trouble, and is not the Thai way. Well......that works for only so long. ::


Co-worker is still in the bathroom crying, as I write this. GF finally went ballistic. Why? Because she refused to make waves, and wanted to keep a 'good heart', and accept that she was doing twice the work of another, making the same pay. And that fustration cannot go on forever. But my GF just dealt with it, wishing it would go away, in typical true Thai fashion.


That mind-set can only go on for so long, before it finally catches up with you. And I think, has a lot to do with the crazy stories you hear about there.


And not just there, in Thailand. Much relates to pent-up fustrations, in any place in the world. But the Thai culture nourishes this, and embrasses it with open arms. Resulting in exstremes. A warm, caring society....with it's fringes sometimes breaking at the seams. Even-keeled, is not the keyword to use in describing the Thai culture. It's made up of radical exstremes. At least, that how I see it.



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[color:"blue"]the downfall of modern society?


?respect is not something given to you because you think you deserve it, it has to be earned by treating others with the same level of respect you yourself want. this is a vital lesson in life that sadly no-one in authority wants to teach youngsters today & the generation of people who taught me things like this when i was younger are rapidly passing away?


?not only that but the values of the family unit are being eroded & the single parent family is becoming the norm, children who live with or know who both parents are, are becoming a minority?


?how many children whose grandparents are still alive see them every day? how many share a house with them? it's clear to me now that the best teachers i had when growing up were my grandparents, you can learn more from sitting with an old person & listening to them for half an hour than an entire day spent in school?


?if we went back to basics & taught kids they need to earn respect instead of just being given it & that they will suffer consequences for bad behaviour instead of being rewarded for it then we might not be in such a mess?



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the better question would be: why is thailand right now experiencing such a huge increase in violence.


basically, thailand has always been a very violent society, but now it's getting more than worrying. especially since the drugwar.

take the drugs away from the kids - and see for yourself where they get their kicks nowadays.

make CEO politics where everything in society is getting measured on it's "profit" - and you will see an increase in competitevess which many people cannot succed in.


so far we are lucky that the kids simply don't have the means to arm themselves with more modern guns. now the gangfights are mainly fought with knifes, machetes, ping pong ball bombs and zipguns, but wait a few more years...


away from the eyes of the local western (and thai upper classes) public there is a very explosive situation in the making here.

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No different then in the States. Look at somebody the wrong way - out comes a gun - boom.


You notice hostilities in US when driving. Remember road rage? Flip people off?


Same crazy stuff just expressed in a different way.

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so far we are lucky that the kids simply don't have the means to arm themselves with more modern guns. now the gangfights are mainly fought with knifes, machetes, ping pong ball bombs and zipguns, but wait a few more years...

Understand your point, but frankly, type of weaponry isn't really my major concern on this, not denying it isn't worrisome.


Major concern would be to stop these groups from expanding themselves and what way to accomplish this.

If Thailand wants to decrease domestic violence then banning guns or knives won't help. Any object could be modified and become a deadly weapon, no, they must find a way to stop youngsters from joining such gangs...since parents can't do it themselves anymore.


Perhaps change the education system, make it affordable for the poor, implement (better) financial support from the government, start projects to educate them on the benefits (for them, their family and Thailand itself) of heaving decent respectable job etc...

If schooling is neglected then violence will dominate the future, no doubt.

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Hi Zaad,


Teaching, and preaching, are two very different things. My GF will often say, "yes....I know is wrong, but is Thai way", and thus she she?s it as right, and correct, although going against the grain of all her sensibilities. ::


Her way is engrained into her, through the preaching of Thai culture, since early childhood. To have any meaning, it must start with altering of the culture itself. No amount of subsequent education, will eradicate what my Thai girl feels to be true. She derives all her belief?s, from what has been hammered into her, before even beginning school. Who she is, was long defined, before school age. And she would be the first, to tell you this.


"Yes HT....I know in my heart, you are right. But I am khon Thai, so cannot think that way". ?????


I respect, and love that about her. She is a product of her culture. And not about what she learned in school. In almost 2 years now, she ain't budging, on any major issues.


It's all very clear to her. 'You kill someone, then you should die also". "Cut arm? Then have your arm cut, is ok". An eye for an eye. It's all very basic, and deals in very simplistic terms. Violence there, is mostly understandable to her. Violence begets violence, and deserves a like-wise reaction. ::


It's the law of the jungle. Primitive? Enlightened? Death in Thailand?


It's a fact of life, not to be overyly looked at. ::



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