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Tbear's Second Newbie Trip: Chapter 2


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Let the good times roll

So I wake up for my second day to the horrible coughing sounds of the girl laying next to me. She coughs, hacks, and spits into the trashcan next to the bed. I am a bit alarmed, but soon get over it as I climb on top of her. It’s pretty special, and I can feel myself getting attached to her again. My plan was to be a big butterfly for this trip, so I’m a bit concerned about the events of the past 12 hours.

I realize that I haven’t eaten anything of substance in quite a while, and I tell her that I’m going to go eat something. She suggests grabbing some food, and bringing it to the bar to eat. When she leaves, I go to the bathroom and see what will become the symbol of our love; her toothbrush. I later look for some food, but nothing really strikes my fancy. I walk to her bar, and tell her I couldn’t find anything. She says to give her some money, and she’ll get some food. After about 20 minutes she comes back with some of the best food I have had in Thailand. She proceeds to feed it to me, and I’m in heaven.

After a couple of hours of sitting around, relaxing, drinking Singha’s and playing games, she suggests catching a movie. She wants to shower first, and she says to meet me at the hotel in a half hour. I go back to the hotel and wait. The time comes and goes. I decide to catch up on some shopping, and visit the strip to pick up some computer games. I come back to the hotel and she’s still not there. I then go to pick up some DVDs, and as I’m deciding I see her coming up to me. This time she is with 2 younger Thai guys.

I’m a little startled at this, and my first thought is “Oh boy, here it comes! Now I’m supposed to be the walking ATM, and buy everybody tickets to the movie theatre and show these guys a good time.” She introduces one of these guys as her brother, and since he is the better looking of the two, I breathe a sigh of relief. I then notice that he really does look a lot like her. I don’t quit get the relationship of the second guy, but since he is pretty weird looking guy, I don’t pay any mind. If this is her boyfriend, then more power to her.

We go off to the mall that has the movie theatres, and she decides that she wants to eat again. I’m waiting for her to ask for money, but she doesn’t. She gets some kind of card, which I guess is like a debit card for the food court. Everybody gets some food, and she buys me some food as well. I figure out that the 2 guys don’t speak any English, and I have a chance to try out my Thai. I find out the two guys work at one of the karaoke bars. We finish eating, and decide not to go to the movie. Instead we go to this movie/ride where the seats move around to simulate you flying through a spaceship. It was pretty cool.

Later we go to one of the beer bars near the movie theatre. We actually have a pretty good time joking around. I challenge her brother to a chugging contest, smug in the knowledge that my body weight will allow me to win in the long run. It was a little strange to be hanging out with one of her family members, as I’m not sure exactly how she explained our relationship. Am I her boyfriend? The guy paying to f^*$ her? I’m reminded of a story that Richard Pryor used to tell about growing up with the knowledge that his mother was a hooker. Guys would show up at his door and say “Hi, I’m here to f*($ your mother”. Because of this, I guess I try to show the guys a good time, and try to win them over.

At it gets late, they suggest we go to the karaoke bar that they work. I’m still in shorts, and decide I want to change. I meet them back at the bar, and we all go to the karaoke place. Before I have a chance to even get my first beer, that GOD-DAMN 12 string guitar solo is blaring through the speakers and a mike is shoved in my face to sing Hotel California. I can’t imagine how Glen Frey must feel, to have to sing that song for the past 25 year! My girl is staring up at me like I’m a 1960’s Paul McCartney, so I belt out the song.

The thai whiskey is broken out, and her brother fills up an empty quart bottle with the stuff. One by one, her brother, me, and the other guy do a shot of the stuff. At the half way point, I have a revelation. I figure out what’s wrong with the other guy! The hand gestures, the squeals, the hip movement….. this guy is gay! He is very, very, very gay! And with each shot of whisky, he becomes gayer. He takes over the mike and starts to belt out Thai love songs. The thing is, however, that the songs were meant to be sung by a woman. As the evening wears on, the other guy is doing the thai equivalent of Brittany Spears songs, with high kicks and everything.

At this point, the crew is pretty wasted. We decide to go to Hollywood, the disco. Once again, I notice that nothing changes in Pattaya, and the same maitre’d who greeted me during my last trip is there. We get a seat up front and continue our drunken party. The place is pretty empty since it is only about 10pm. Later, yet another guy shows up to join the party. He is wearing pancake makeup. Once again I have a moment where I evaluate the situation. Only in Thailand would I be sitting at a table with two gay guys (one with cover-up and mascara), a 21 year old guy who is now drooling on himself, and a girl that I’m paying to sleep with. The funniest thing about the situation is that it hardly even registers. At one point the two gay guys announce that they have to go to the bathroom. I watch as they get up and head directly into the woman’s bathroom. I expect to see a cartoonish situation where they both come flying out of the bathroom, with the site of man’s boot behind them. No such problem in Pattaya, they come out without even a raised eyebrow.

Eventually the show begins, and various singers get up and perform. After each song, the performer usually says something in Thai, perhaps introducing the next act, or thanking everyone for coming out. After about the third performer, my girl’s brother disagrees with something that the singer has said. He screams out something in Thai, and everyone in the audience laughs. The singer, turns to him, and responds. An argument then takes place, and eventually they just continue on with the show. Soon afterwards, I notice that our table is now surrounded by 4 guys, and another guy in a suit. I get the distinct impression that we are no longer welcome here. We gather our things and leave; my girl dragging her brother out by the ear. The evening ends as we watch her brother try to get on a motorcycle taxi. Eventually gay guy #1 has to hop on, just to keep him on the bike.

I spend the next day with my girl, and when she goes home to shower, I sneak back to the BJ bar. Same girl, same place, same service. I decide then that the novelty has worn off, and basically an ugly girl blowing you isn’t as exciting as you might think. I’ll probably be back, but search out a better looking girl. I head back to the my girl’s bar, and spend some time there, and we spend the night playing pool and then back to the hotel. I have to admit that the routine is getting a bit old, and she is still sick and has decided not to kiss me anymore since she doesn’t want to get me sick. She mentions to me that she knows that she is sick and a little weak, and she suggests that If I want to go short-time with someone else it would be OK. I say to her that I just want to be with her; I say this because I think that’s what she wants me to say.

When she leaves the next day, I turn on the TV, and strangely enough, I catch the end of the movie “Pretty Woman” It is one my favorite movies, and it’s probably one of the reason that I never really had an issue with prostitution. Near the end of the movie, he is about to say goodbye, and is offering to set her up in an apartment, and promises to visit her every couple of months. Of course she doesn’t want this, and wants him to sweep her up on a white horse and ride of into the sunset. All the while, the song “It must have been love” plays in the background. I’m no Richard Gere, and she is certainly not Julia Roberts, but the situation is certainly apropos. I go to the bathroom, and see the toothbrush.

My cheating heart


I go to her bar and we hang out some more. She wants to take a shower, and take a nap. I say to meet me back at the hotel. She tells me that she will be there around 9pm. I think that finally this is the chance for me to have some fun. I think that I will stop in a go-go bar, and then maybe get a soapy massage.

I head into a go-go bar. I’m like a prisoner on leave. Soon, a girl latches on to me. She kisses me, and I suddenly realize I am in sin central, and I haven’t kissed a girl in 2 days. We talk, and she informs me that she loves to smoke, and tells me she’s partial to doggy style. She periodically sticks her tongue down my throat, bites my ear and rubs mr. Happy through my shorts. She gets up to dance, and I see that she has a beautiful body. Sure enough, the little head switches off the big head, and takes over the show. I barfine Ms. Hottie and take her to my room.

Once in my room. we are all over one another. I finally am getting what I came to Pattaya for, and I just can’t get enough of her. Ms. Hottie and I are making out like teenagers, and my heart is racing. We decide it’s time to take a shower and we are out of our clothes in minutes. She leads me into the bathroom, and I simply can’t wait to get inside of her. She turns on the water and ….

Knock! knock! knock!

My heart momentarily stops. I am a big bundle of fear. I hope that it might be housekeeping, but as the knocking becomes more determined, I realize exactly who it is. The wife has decided to come back a little early. I do what every man would do in my situation. I give Ms. Hottie the universal ‘shhhh’ signal and hope that the wife will just go away.

The knocking continues.

I realize that the wife is not going to go away, and that I need to deal with this. After all, she told me that I could do a short time, so I will just tell her that I will meet her later. I tell Ms. Hottie to stay in the bathroom, and I go and put some clothes on. I crack the door to the hotel room, and tell the wife that I will meet her at the bar. She looks at me like I’m crazy, and tries to come in. I tell her that someone else is here, and that I WILL MEET HER AT THE BAR. The wife looks at me, and for the first time in our short relationship, I see anger. She kicks the door and tries to squeeze her way into the room. I hold her off and tell her once again I will meet her at the bar. I shut the door. I look through the door eyeglass, and see her wait for a few minutes, and eventually walk down the stairs.

I can not feel any worse then I do. I feel like the biggest asshole in the world, and once again I find myself hurting people that I don’t mean to hurt. It was at that time that I realized how much I really liked her, and I knew that I had to set things straight.

But first, I had to take care of Ms. Hottie. I apologize for the show, but she tells me that it is OK. Now I’m starting to like Ms. Hottie, because she seems to be so understanding. For a moment, I thought that I would just tell her to go, but I soon realize that I still want her. We pick up where we left off, and I have the best sex of the week. She is everything that I wanted in a girl, and I am left spent. As I tumble into a post-sex coma, Ms. Hottie reminds me that I really should go and talk to the other girl and make everything OK. She kisses me goodbye, and I can’t help to think that I wish I had met her during my first trip.

I reluctantly get dressed, and prepare myself for a very unpleasant experience. As I come near her bar, I see the girls pointing at me. The wife is talking to some other guy at the bar. As I come to the bar, I see the stares of 20 girls silently telling me to go to hell. There are no hellos, only a dull murmer. I pass by the wife and sit a dozen seats down from her. Eventually, she comes down and sits next to me, but doesn’t say a word. I tell her that I am sorry. She explains to me that I am the first man to ever cheat on her, and kick her out of the room. She also explains that I’m the first falang man to make her cry. I mention that she told me that I could do a short time, but she explains that she wanted to pick out the girl, and she wanted to know when it was happening. I feel even worse. I want to mention that she has probably been with 50-100 men since the last time I was in Thailand, but it doesn’t seem right to throw that in her face. In the background, I see that all eyes are on us, and I feel that I not only let her down, but reinforced the fact that all falang men are soi dogs. Before, all the girls would ask me if I had any friends for them; they all wanted to meet a good man like me. Now, I’ve enforced the idea that we are just cheating, walking ATMs. The girls seem to have a solidarity between one another, and the man will always be on the losing end. Eventually, after being beaten down for an hour, I tell her that I’m going back to the hotel, and I want her to come with me to talk. She comes.

We talk more. After about 2 hours, she starts to loosen up a bit, but believe me it was hard work. I go to sleep, with the passing thought that I might be missing a penis in the morning. When I wake up we have sex, but it isn’t the same. She gets up, and tells me to come into the bathroom. She washes me, and it is the most tender moment that we have had together. Once again, I realize how much I like her and how much she wants to take care of me, even though she is sick, and it makes me feel even worse. As we leave to go to her bar, I have to go back into the bathroom to get my sunglasses. I notice that her toothbrush is gone.

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Mr Bear, I can empathize and sympathize with u whole-heartedly. I have also been in that girlfriend comes to the door and knocks while u have another chick in the room situation. I never answer the door regardless of how long they knock nor do I answer the phone. They eventually give up after 30min and go away. The way I always explain myself out of it was I was asleep, I drank too much and passed out, I was sick and took some medicine that made me sleep. I never admit to having another lady there. They have no choice to believe you because they can't prove it otherwise. As far as the chick in your room is concerned, uou just tell her that you have a crazy EX-girlfriend that won't leave u alone and u would rather not answer the door. Now every lady involved may think u are the biggest bullshitter ever, but you spared them all the embarassing confrontation with the other woman. Never leave the room together too because she way be waiting outside.

The only time I ever answered the door was when I wanted the ex-girlfriend to see the new chick in the room and realize that we were finished, and I wanted the chick in my room to truly understand that she was my current girlfriend and that the ex was truly out of the picture.

Keep up the chapter a day report laugh.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0laugh.gif" border="0

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Man......you guys have more excitement in 1 day than I have in a year. My life is so dull. I can't wait to get to LOS and have 2 beautiful women fight over me :0

Or is it my money??!!

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Originally posted by tbear31:

When she leaves the next day, I turn on the TV, and strangely enough, I catch the end of the movie “Pretty Woman” It is one my favorite movies, and it’s probably one of the reason that I never really had an issue with prostitution. Near the end of the movie, he is about to say goodbye, and is offering to set her up in an apartment, and promises to visit her every couple of months. Of course she doesn’t want this, and wants him to sweep her up on a white horse and ride of into the sunset. All the while, the song “It must have been love” plays in the background. I’m no Richard Gere, and she is certainly not Julia Roberts, but the situation is certainly apropos. I go to the bathroom, and see the toothbrush.


I find the huge popularity of "Pretty Woman" among women and the comparison of the movie as a modern day Cinderella extremely ironic. Think about it a romanticized story about an American prostitute being saved by her rich john. The same women that love this movie and purchase the DVD, are the same ones who would call u a pervert for using the services of prostitutes and be disgusted with any woman who prostitutes themselves. I truly believe chicks in this country are confused about their identities. They claim they want to be independent yet I think the popularity of the movie proves that deep down inside they are all prostitues in disguise.

I like the movie because it shows that any woman can be bought.

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Great report so far! Tbear, you have experienced what all of us has at some point in LOS. A very wise man, a former boss, told me once to apply these rules if you are ever get caught in the act in management or marriage (and in this case BGs in LOS).

1. Admit nothing.

2. Deny everything.

3. Be prepared to offer a counter accusation.

Me: "You saw me on Soi 8 with a woman? No, it wasn't me"

BG: My friend see you!

Me: "It wasn't me"

BG: No, she see you and lady.

Me: "No, it wasn't me, and why do you have friends trying to spy on me? You don't trust me. I come to Thailand to see you and all you do is accuse me of things I don't do."

JJSushi, I agree. But then again, you can't apply reason to women. I've learned that a very long time ago. Women want equal pay for equal work. I agree totally but the guy has to pay for dates and open doors and be the lead. Its okay for a woman to accept money from her boyfriend to help with her rent, bills, whatever, if she is in a financial crunch but its not okay for another women to accept money directly for sex. Both are doing the same thing. Its a woman's right and her body to have a baby aborted, accept $ to donate her eggs or carry a baby for a in infertile couple but its not okay for another woman to sell her body for sex. Its bulls**t but that's how it is. Prostitution if made legal, would threaten women's ability to get men so they'll make sure it stays illegal. And keep the legal prostitution (marrying a rich man, having his child so she has in essence an annuity for at least 18 years) thriving.

But I digress from Tbear's great report. One of my girls was slick, she found the condom wrappers in the trash can, and went straight for the bath towels as added proof. Now I make sure all evidence is in a plastic bag, tied up and put away in my garment bag.

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Originally posted by chocolat steve:

But I digress from Tbear's great report. One of my girls was slick, she found the condom wrappers in the trash can, and went straight for the bath towels as added proof. Now I make sure all evidence is in a plastic bag, tied up and put away in my garment bag.

Whoa, I never thought of the condom wrappers in the trash can! You can always learn something new.

I have almost been caught with the dirty towels but I denied it and said I was hot so I took an extra shower, the girl thought I was "dor lae" but she couldn't prove it. Now, I always ask housekeeping for 4 towels. The things we do for our BG's

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"You saw me on Soi 8 with a woman? And so on>

Why not try ( what thai men do).

use the "yeh, so what" approach.

or course, you will be taking your chances, but afterall, what do you have to loose.

( unless the ducks come into the senairo)

I think they are pretty much ( with accusing and trying to controll) using our western ideals knowing how we should react.

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good reports!

hehe, it seems like you have the "luck" of shooting yourself in the foot like I did on my trip. the idea of self-imprisonment by trying to please everyone(ie. your BG)

With me, it was because:

1) I was too woosey to be blunt and straightforward.

2) I was being a greedy mofaka by trying to "have your cake and eat it too."

3) I was a woose frown.gif" border="0

I'll have another chance to not woose out very soon! I hope. shocked.gif" border="0

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry I,m a few weeks behind everyone else reading this but this is fucking brilliant!

If I was in my room having a "dangerous liason"and my regular called,I,d open the door to her and invite her in and say "Um any chance of a threesome"then cup my hands firmly over my knackers! cool.gif" border="0

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