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2nd attempt Visa Application Oz Embassy


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I need some help with the second attempt at trying to get GF a tourist visa for Oz.


We applied and were knocked back because they said the GF had no reason to return to Thailand. Also we didn't show any document proof of our relationship.

The GF was moving her shop and renovating, the money in the bank account was not allot and I just supplied a letter saying I would support her. The GF had her business rego and University certs...


This time we are going in with over 150 emails, my bank statement, photo's from our time together, photo's of her family and new shop, Letters of character, my work contract, letters from my employers.


What else do you think I need... Anything other suggestions??




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Another destination.....................


Sorry - I have heard they can be pricks which makes you wonder why you want to take your friend there.


A friend had to go through this routine with the British Embassy, he was married with a new baby and in the end just got plain angry with them. Eventually got it but why all the grief?


I know it might be a long way off but with the rise of Asia and the decline of the western economies I kinda look forward to the day when the pompous buggers have to beg to come here.


I like to shock my friends in Australia with "the way Asia is growing someday we will be sending our people there as maids". Extreme statement but it really freaks them out. All things go in cycles.

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I'd say you have plenty of documentation of proof of your relationship, what they want to establish is that your g/f has enough ties to Thailand to compel her to return and not overstay the visa.


How you present yourself may also be a factor. I have found that all embassies might respond a little better to couples who are well dressed, not suit and tie, but I wouldn't show up in shorts and sandals. Just my opinion.

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I helped a guy get his girlfriend into Oz for a holiday visa. As well as the evidence of communication and history together, the most important thing was a letter from aan employer confirming that she would be taking annual leave and that her position would remain open for her upon her return.

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For a 1st time application last December for a 1 month tourist visa, we supplied -

~ bank book/statements showing THB100,000 in bank, with evidence it came in over a number of months

~ evidence of GF's business (just a small stall outside Big C Radjamdamri) - receipts of goods purchased

~ photo of her at her stall (didn't prove it was her stall though)

~ e-mails - I supplied around 30 or so (including some early dated ones, then approx 1 a month to show continuity)

~ copies of a few bank statements and Western Union slips showing money transfer (earlier dated the better)

~ copies of a few phone bills showing communication (as above for dates)

~ I phoned her a lot using pre-paid calling cards, so supplied the 'used' ones (but they got handed straight back)

~ letter of support from me

~ a few of my recent pay slips and bank statements

~ GF's land ownership document (it got handed straight back)


We had *no* photos, even though our relationship had been ongoing for 20 months at that stage. We told the truth about where we met (Bus Stop, soi 4).

We dressed well - both GF and I in 'office attire' (no tie for me).

GF has no kids. So, only her stall and land as a reason to return. The application was successful.



Hope that helps. Best of luck!

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