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  1. I am thinking the 6 who took it too the courts had master leases, the many shop owners didn't, thus only they had a legal leg to stand on,
  2. One of the things I noticed when my best friend came down with AIDS was the advent of what I came to cal "AIDS Vultures" people he didn;t previously know that well, who suddenly had all sorts of ideas and theories he should try, "IF HE WANTED TO LIVE" After a time he reailzed they weren't trying to save his life, rather, they was trying to push their own agenda. As Robert Mapplethorpe said (and I paraphrase) "I am glad I am rich enough to afford the drugs, everyone who was poor that I fucked died, only the rich can afford to live as long as I have" He died of course, but my best mate, hasn't. DOG
  3. I am typing this in the lobby of BIDC, just gopt my teeth cleaned. Fuck I hate dentists Good service though - high speed interent in the lobby! DOG
  4. I booked my niece into Bangkok International Dental Clinic. not expesive, very shiny clean looking gear, and close to our house. DOG
  5. KS - At the same time can we get a mod to stop obvious troll posts, the recent situation where it was known a poster was trolling shouldn;t have happened, by allowing it to happen the board suffered. No trolls no flames DOG
  6. KK I was going to ask the same thing! No one gets charged so what was the use, TIT
  7. Err - sorry about that, my fault, was playing with profiles and fucked upo JB
  8. Who's TOp Cat? I think this is a lovely idea, a wiparound! JB
  9. Sigh, if only I knew who his family was I would pass on all the kind messages, but I too am at a loss now. I think that we should all agree on a date, soon, which we can all honour the MaoMark. Maybe between 23 and 25May? We could gather at Nana, and spear a few puta in mamory of the MoMark JB
  10. If they arrive I will, will have to translate, but bear with me JB
  11. Sad to say, I have just received notice from the Spanish Herald, that Mao Mark has passed away, Mao Mark died in a tragic Bull Fighting accident, where, thinking he was going into the uranels, he instead entered the wild bull's enclosure. His last word's as he lay after being gorged numerous times by large Bulls where "No del Oh, es justo como la noche que me preguntaba en la barra de Casanova en la plaza de Nana" Which confused the Spanish watching him die a sad drunken bleeding death, so Mao Mark, ever the trooper, translated it for the Pommie taking photos of him "Not of the Oh, he is right like the night that asked to me in the bar of Casanova in the seat of Nana" No one at the bullring could quite understand this message, but I am sure we all here have sympathy for him, and indeed, remember the times we to have walked into the Casanova Bar. Vale Mao Mark JB PS - Mao had very few living relatives, and police have found numerous diaries etc in his appartment, I look forward to seeing them one day.
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