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Nana, etc.--Romance! Mystery! Intrigue! Boredom!


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It didn't have to be told, but I'm telling it anyway. If you're bored then read the warning label, godammit!


At last an opportunity to do NEP with others foolish enough to take the chance. Accordingly, I met my usual accomplice for our usual mediocre meal at Gulliver's. Unexpectedly we experienced one of the high points of the evening when I noticed the back of a familiar head across the room. Sure enough, it was Long Gun watching some sort of kickball game and attired as if he had just come from providing entertainment at a child's birthday party. Ever the gent, not an iota of disgust flickered across his visage as we described our plans, however nothing could tear him away from his beloved kickball.


Awaiting the arrival of another pal, we chose Erotica as our first stop, reasoning that it wouldn't be so horrible as to drive us away before we could rendezvous. We took our seats and watched some not bad looking girls go through their standard uninspired shuffling at which point the annoying mamasan draped herself uninvited across my pal who gently tossed her up to the second floor. She's a good sport, though, and was happy to come back to annoy us later on. Our third pal arrived and soon we were laughing and exchanging bon mots. Along the way I'd noticed a girl who I was convinced I remembered from the old Hollywood Rock and (later) Playskool (a real veteran--I don't think I've ever seen her not barfined). Of course she noticed my staring, and soon she was by my side.


Fortunately she wasn't the veteran, but a sweet young thing from Chiang Mai, and we played getting-to-know-you over a LD. Eventually she had to dance, and she put on a good show for me; always a good sign. When she returned she was even more affectionate and cuddly, earning a second LD. We embraced, the music played, the lights flashed, and it was as if she was the only girl in the world and I the only boy. "I go with you?" she asked with trembling lips. "Would that I could, but I am committed to another,"--another drink, that is--I replied, and she pouted prettily. Oh yes, as all this went on I was being pestered to BF her by a couple of really annoying dekserves ("Barfine 600 baht, but for you special price 599!"--followed by annoying cackling), one of whom actually upbraided one of my pals for speaking impolitely (in Thai). Quite reasonably, he thought this was a hoot.


My girl was back on stage now as we paid up and prepared to leave, clearly bereft by my impending departure. She shyly motioned me to the stage for a moment of sweet parting and wrapped her thighs viselike around my head. Overcome with laughter, I was eventually able to extricate myself with a moist, popping sound. I like to think she remembers me fondly.


More to come.

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Okay, we've experienced the "romance" and "boredom". Having paid our "dues", we are eagerly awaiting the "mystery" and "intrigue" !


BTW, it's 0210 here in Cali and I must say that I'm in for a good night's sleep without the aid of lorazepam.


Hugh (mak)

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Ahoy, Hugh!


Sorry to be so slow delivering the goods, Dull Dude, but the other day a young person of my acquaintance turned to me and said "She have old phone same same new phone," triggering one of my fugue states. When I came to I was eating ant eggs in front of a tumbledown shack near the Cambodian border.


My memory is slowly returning, so I should have the mystery and intrigue parts up in a couple days. The boredom, of course, is omnipresent: the kudzu which holds together the dark loamy soil of my prose.


I'm glad my work had its desired medicinal effect on you. Your own reports--now lost and gone forever, alas--often had a medicinal effect on me, albeit of a rather different order.

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