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First Trip '79 Part 1


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It all started one grey Sydney Sunday afternoon in 1979. Me and me mates were having a few cones and shooting the sh**t as you do. Rod as usual was hogging the bong and at the same time regaling us with his OS stories.

Rod worked for Qantas and he had been everywhere because he got cheap flights.


Rod was bragging about all his overseas trips and we were yawning and going yeah ,yeah, yeah. You see Rod was a big head and bullshit artist so we were never sure if there was even a grain of truth in what he said but he had been everywhere and we hadn't so we had some grudging respect for him.


Somehow the topic of Bangkok came up and Rod launched into a Bangkok story.


?Mate there is pussy galore in Bangers and cheap too and the girls will do anything.?


Then he went on about the day he was playing cards with his mates in Bangkok and there was a girl under the table and there was a side bet going that you had to guess who was getting the blowy off the girl.


Well as I said before Rod is a bullshitter but it did get me thinking. Bangkok would be great even if it was half as good as Rod reckoned. Having split up with my long term girl a few months back I wasn?t getting much so I was sort of vulnerable and excited at the prospect of unlimited cheap pussy.

And so a little seed was planted and it wasn?t long before I had booked a ticket and I was saying goodbye to Rod and me mates at Sydney airport, bound for Bangers.


This was my first trip OS and I was full of hope and expectation.


The plane trip itself was uneventful save for the fact that the Eastern suburbs league team were on the plane for their end of season trip to Pattaya. Did these guys get pissed or what?.They were paralytic when we hit Singapore and I think they threw a couple of them off the plane. Talk about yobbos these guys were animals and they sure could put it away.

Finally we arrived at Don Muang about 6pm

I got on a mini bus that does the hotel circuit around Bangkok and being a litte jet lagged started dozing off. I am not sure why I looked up by in my semi daze I saw some bloke getting out of the mini bus and walking away with a bag that looked just like mine.

I thought nah it couldn?t be mine but then I thought who else would have a bag like that and I had a sudden flash of my trip disappearing down the gurgler and being stuck with no money in Bangers(I had left my passport , ticket and travelers cheques in the bag)?..with a sudden start I jumped up and bolted out of the bus and accosted the gentleman (and I use the term very loosely here) who had my bag. He was very reluctant to hand me my belongings and so to help him make up his mind I king hit him right in the jaw and as he was going down I grapped my bag. In the meantime a small crowd of Thais had gathered and watched me wack this middle aged thai man and were becoming hostile. There were lots of them and just little old me but luckily with heavy mime and gesticulation I managed to convey what had transpired. The crowd to their credit directed the hostility towards the bag snatcher who was slowly getting to his feet. They let fly with what I can only assume was a barrage of Thai invective which saw the perp scurrying away.

With bag now firmly in hand i got back on the bus and waited my turn which of course was last because i was staying at a very cheap place called the Bostin Inn. As I alighted the mini bus I breathed a sigh of relief that i had managed to avoid the disaster of losing all my belongings before the trip had even started.

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