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Brit jumps off Balcony


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Redbaron said:

I'm surprised this made the news... it seems to happen every couple of hours in Pattaya! :D


I'm with Redbaron on this one. It wouldn't be a normal day in Pattaya without someone taking a swan dive off of the nearest roof.


Not that any day in Pattaya is normal. :D

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Buff and All,


Lots of farangs coming to the LOS that already have serious issues and mental problems and addictions. These things, added to the easier access to over the counter/under the counter and illegal street pharmacueticals, heavy binge drinking, BG's playing with a man's head, over-spending the budget, getting ripped off/fucked over when mao, etc., etc., it's not really hard to see how some become so despondent when whacked on the drugs of their choice when they find themselves down and out that they choose to take the final swan dive into the soi. Add to this the opportunistic "suspicious" diving from balconies of a darker nature and you have the jewel of the LOS, namely, Pattaya. :) I'd actually be surprised if there wasn't a lot of this going by the weird delusional bastards and totally shattered (drugs and/or alcohol) farangs I usually seem to run across in the play areas of Pattaya. (Some in BKK, but Patty seems to attract far more, especially in the high season. :: :: ) I've seen some strange buggers running around there (Yes, and BKK and Patong). You get all kinds there/here. The good, the bad, and the ugly.


Personally if I was going to off myself I'd save enough baht to do what the 2 gents in Chiang Mai recently did. Drink myself silly and OD on snorting heroin. Fall asleep/pass out and never wake up. No muss, no mess, no fuss, and pretty painless as well. I'd imagine if you did the dive and it didn't do as expected it could be pretty damned painful if you ever woke up.



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Seems the Brits make up a large proportion of weirdos/eccentrics...last time in Pattaya a chap said hello to me while staggering up central rd. around midday,said he had been drinking not stop for the last 24 hrs...looked like he hadn`t slept for about 3 days...or the ex chef from Sweden living in a tiny one roomed tin shack just off soi Bua kao who spent days sleeping and evenings boozed up on sangsom and whos visa had run out weeks ago...last I heard he was in gaol having been caught shoplifting from Carrefour...

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Shit-Spattered Dog said:
Cent said:

Buff and All,


Lots of farangs coming to the LOS that already have serious issues and mental problems and addictions.




Well duhhhh.... :drunk: Welcome to the Land of Smiles.











My point exactly. :D


The LOS, Pattaya in particular, attracts a lot of the lower end "tourists" from all over the world. Not backpackers, but sex tourist drunkards and druggies trying to stay in Thailand on a small budget for an extended period of time. It is possible to do that if you have your shit together as they say, but these gents have problems no matter where they are to begin with, and do things that usually end up giving them problems (usually due to their intial "problems" they had to begin with, which they brought with them from their homeland).


I've met a few of these types every time (it seems anyway) I am in Pattaya and out for the night. I've also run into quite a few in Bangkok as well, usually drunk as a skunk they are, whining about having no baht, over-stayed on their visa, etc., etc. Or just lying in the gutter passed out with a piss stain in their pants.


I met one in my village a few years back. He'd come to the village with his katoey boyfriend. This guy was from Italy, had decent English, intelligent actually when I spoke with him a few times over a beer. He told me his story, and I couldn't help but think the man had totally lost the plot. No money, he was living off his ladyboy's earnings from a boy-bar in Pattaya, his visa was expired many MONTHS ago, parents refused to send him any more money (He lied to them before about needing money to pay his over due visa fines and for buying a ticket home then blew it partying instead), had a violent relationship with his katoey boyfriend, was a definite alcoholic, was a true bigot and seemed to hate Thais and Thailand ... but was still there, used drugs, beat his katoey, caused a ruckus in the village which caused the village boss to finally ask/tell him and his ladyboyfriend to leave and not come back, stole money from village family and disappeared from the village. We, my wife and I, later learned they had showed up on a relative's doorstep in another town and later stole a large amount of gold and money off these relatives and disappeared again into the night.


This dope claimed to be a communist, proud of it he was, yet from what I saw he acted and behaved like he was royalty. Never did a lick of work, let his katoey BF "work" around the village catching fish for sale, selling food to the school kids from the street from a small table, etc., etc., and he would then take the BF's money (as little as this was) to spend on his boozing. Communist my ass. Nothing more than a pimp and mangda.


I hope he was finally caught one day, jailed for a long time, and finally booted from the country. Or maybe his katoey BF will murder him one day in one of their more violent drunken brawls. Maybe even he'll do a header off a Pattaya balconey, although I rather doubt he'd be staying at a hotel with enough floors high enough to make it likely.


Problem is the Thais do not seem to keep an eye on these types once they are tossed out, and they seem to just come right back in after a few months away without much problem.


Many more in the LOS like him really.



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