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Is Food from Street Vendors Safe?


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One thing I have noticed over the past few years is Thais are very sensitive to price in their decision to eat at a certain place. They'll go far out of their way to pay that 10 baht for their rice or noodles, rather than a couple baht more, even if the place that is charging a bit more has a better tasting and superior product and they've eaten there for ages. I've seen many, especially the older persons, refuse to part with that extra 2 baht, and they bitch like hell if you try to raise the prices. They can't seem to understand that as the price of everything goes up for the vendor the cost of the meal has to rise as well. They argue that the vendor should eat the cost rise difference. Crazy. I've seen this a lot lately. The cost of fuel went up, and then the price of everything else rose as well (and I doubt it'll ever go back down now the oil prices have dropped). Strange stubborn attitude. They'll go around the corner and eat at a place where the price hasn't been upped, even though they told you that the food there sucked and yours was much tastier. The reason the other place sucks is they use the cheapest ingredients they can find. (Cheapest rice, nastiest pork, boniest stringiest chicken, etc.) But hey, it's still only ten baht a dish! :: :: :dunno::doah: It almost seems a matter of principle to some of them not to pay more. They'd rather eat crap than pay that couple of baht more. And I'm not talking about the poorest of the poor here. These are middle class people who have the money to spend on a quality product. The older guys are also loathe to spend more than they are used to paying for beers and booze. The younger guys and gals don't seem to have this problem.



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Not necessarily true. My girl and her circle of friends seem to feel it is a matter of pride to over-spend on food and entertainment. Some sort of badge of honor to waste food when we go out to some expensive place. Hey, I'm all for doggy bags but I feel they would look at me as being cheap (which I sorta am) I really enjoy spending large sums of money, I just hate wasting it.

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Luckily it seems your girl & my girl are not the same (one) :)

They always strive for good value food & if their excitement to get enough dishes (higher chance the farang might like one lol) there often appear to be some amount of leftovers & in that case noone is shy about requesting doggy bags(usually the one in the group having no arrangements for food next day keeps those bags) actually the restaurant more often than not automatically assumes that task ;)

Of course not at places like sirocco, which merely is a major ripoff again according my girl(4k area 2 pax) :(

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There are doggy bags in Thailand ??!!

U should try Sirrocco, food's average but setting is awesome. Going there for drinks is cool as well, with the couch area kindda tripping when not too crowded. I appreciated your Missis chosed Anna's cafe over Sirocco though :p - her friend is stalking me now, can I get younger sister'snumber :p:scared:

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no, but I assume you have the 'other' girls digits!

as stated above we already went sirocco(the 4k bt bill 2 pax drunk again r we?!555), but hardly impressed with the food - setting nice enough, but we're almost blown away on the way down literally ;)


ib13, facing critique on the blind dating biz

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"ib13, facing critique on the blind dating biz "


What to do?? I like them younger or wealhier :dunno:


anyway it's my turn to return the favour... GF and her GFs keep wondering why farangs like dark skin ,ugly in their eyes ladies, even girls who already have kids. Not my fault I apologise and it seems a few of her friends are very much interested in meeting a western guy. Had one who came over to Dance Fever a few nights ago to meet a friend Iinvited over. The friend didn't like her a bit but she's still a cute very fair skinned bird in my eyes -looks like white lao, not thai chinese though, don't dream too much-, as well hanging out in the Rhamkahmaeng/ratchada area and not speaking english. Wouldn't mind doing her and I'll introduce her to you when U feel strong enough to handle 2 birds in BKK.


Offered to bring her as a present for the wedding but GF didn't think it was so good an idea :clown:



"we already went sirocco(the 4k bt bill 2 pax drunk again r we?!"


U definetely didn't get drunk in Sirocco with such a bill. Would cost you way more if you eat in the same time!

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Mai mao, fruit cocktails mostly, with usual main focus on food at sirocco!

There sure are benefits to the liver as well as to the wallet on having only the odd night out with tg heavy boozing :drunk:


Surely you owe me, but yeah lets take that bird in the offering offline(from wedding) perhaps polterabend material? :hubba:

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