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Romance is un-Islamic


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In the US there are now greeting cards for Thanksgiving, Easter, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Tuesday and who knows what all. Add to these the thank you and sod off cards, and it is unbelievable.




"In Britain, a poll of Muslims last night found evidence of growing alienation, with four in 10 calling for religious sharia law to be imposed in parts of the UK with a mainly Muslim population. The law specifies stonings and amputations as punishments, and involves religious police bringing suspects before courts.


"One in five also expressed some sympathy with the 'feelings and motives' of the July 7 bombers. However, the survey for the Sunday Telegraph found 91 per cent still felt loyal to Britain and only one per cent actually backed the London bomb attacks."


The Guardian

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'only one per cent actually backed the London bomb attacks."



they canvass 100 People and 99 express horror about what happened.

did they talk to the Leaders who are spouting hatred everyday or the Young Men who hate the West?.

i doubt it very much,i suspect they picked on little old ladies who would much different opinions to the Young.........

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if they want to live under Sahria Law then why don't they fuck off to another Country which practises it?.

why come to MY CHRISTIAN Country and try and change us?.

you live in my Country then you live by our rules,if not go away quickly.

i work with many Muslims and as far as i know they are all lew-abiding,but you just never know what their private thoughts are.

i wonder what would happen if i walked through Islamabad with a placard declaring that Muslims should be beheaded.......

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sayjann said:

if they want to live under Sahria Law then why don't they fuck off to another Country which practises it?.


Couldn't agree more Sayjann.

I am fucking sick to the back teeth how we have to pussy foot round these wankers.

Everybody in goverment to scared to do anything encase it's classed as racist.

They should have listened to Enoch Powell and this shit would never have happened.

If I had my way I would ship the lot back.

Granted there are some nice muslim people in the UK but I would class the most of them as hypocritical scrongers only in the UK for one reason free money.

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