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How does it end for George "W" Bush?

Tiger Moth

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Let me begin by saying that I can't even begin to guess. Except to say badly.


In just 7 months the next Congressional/Senatorial elections take place. Due to Bush's falling and low approval ratings, the Republicans are already expecting to take losses and are pressing the Bush Administration to make changes.


Already there has been a Republican conference where potential 2008 Presidential candidates were put on display.


Traditionally, the last 2 years of a Presidency, the President is considered a lame duck (losing power and influence as the ever egocentric, self concerned party members try to align themselves with the "succeeding" President or Presidential hopeful in the case of the loser.


Things are not getting better in Iraq and seem to be getting worse.


"W" on the other hand is always steadfast and stays the course. This accurate claim and assessment is the main reason he was re-elected beating John Kerry who is either thoughful or blows with the political wind, depending upon your perspective.


So, pressure from within his own party, bad situation in Iraq, loss of popularity and lame duck status on the horizon.


How does it end for George "W" Bush?

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Actually, as I wrote this post I was forced to remember the movie, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.


While I fear the scenario in the link you posted, I would hope the other powerful Republicans would prevent Bush from doing further damage. I would hope.... I would hope.....

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If you are suggesting a Hitler:Bush comparison, I disagree completely.


Hitler: bad intentions, intelligent, self-directed, in control.


Bush: good intentions, stupid, controlled.


Now, if you were implying a Hitler:Dich Cheney comparison I would disagree in that Hitler was out front and Cheney operates behind the scenes.


With regards to what seems to be the 3rd major player, Condi Rice, I see her as similar to Bill Clinton. Amoral (no morals - if she were operating under a Democratic insitution she would sing a different song and it would make no difference to her), intelligent and apparently attractive to some people and musically talented.

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It's questionable how intelligent Hitler really was. He was charismatic and had studied public speaking with a Jewish stage hypnotist. (Always wondered why no one has researched that fellow -- stage name Eric Hanussen.) But people who listen to his recordings or read his autobiography nowadays say it doesn't make much sense. His ideas were all pretty half-baked. Mainly he seems to have used the economic chaos in Germany at the time to his advantage to gain power. (Franz von Pappen, who proposed Hitler for chancellor, foolishly thought he could control him!)


There is only one recording of Hitler speaking conversationally -- as opposed to public addresses -- and it was made secretly by the Finns. It reportedly shows his speech to be uneducated and very working class. Even the start of WWII took Hitler by surprise. He was convinced that he could get away with attacking Poland, since Britain and France had turned a blind eye to his annexing Austria and invading Czechoslovakia. (Apparently, the Brits and Froggies had a secret agreement to go to war with Hitler if he attacked Poland. So why didn't they let him know about it? It might have stopped him.) It is also intriguing that Britain and France declared war on Germany over Hitler's invasion, but did not declare war on the Soviet Union when Stalin also invaded! Hmmm ...


Agree that GWB is a thicky though. Unfortunately, Kerry isn't much smarter. So just who is pulling the strings??? I'd say Bush managed to get into the White House principally by riding the discontent with Clinton's behaviour, with even Al Gore blaming Clinton for his defeat. (And if you feel that Bush "stole" the election in Florida, he wouldn't have been able to do so if enough voters hadn't been pissed off at Slick Willy to make it that close.)


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'And if you feel that Bush "stole" the election in Florida'


you are a naughty Boy Chuckie............

fancy hinting that the Bush Family and there cohorts might have done some undehand...........shame on you........


enjoying watching the Election in Italy where 2 of the most 'honest Men' in the World are fueding.........

Prodi claims victory but Bertie demands a recount..........

what doe is matter?,there will probably be another 3 Elections in Italy before Years end............


and the French Goverment bow down to the masses AGAIN.........

the French say something and when the Unions/Students react they give up and revert to the old Laws.

i wish the Brits were so militant,just a shame that our Unions now are so scared to do anything.


i like a bit of ANARCHY........

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I think if things had gone as planned in Iraq he'd be a hero.


But I don't think the problem is George Bush per se. In some ways he seems like just an average guy. Since WW2 American foreign policy has come to affect everybody. Dubya inherited an empire with economic interests and military bases all around the world. It's all done with a friendly smile but the bottom line seems to be 'behave yourselves or get bombed'.


I'm NOT saying Pax Americana doesn't work but there are a lot of people in the world who don't like paying homage to Texas. Americans who travel are more aware of this than those who never leave the US.


How does it end? Not a clue. I guess the fall elections will show how the voters feel. Hopefully he can keep his finger off the trigger till then. :)

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chuckwoww said:

I think if things had gone as planned in Iraq he'd be a hero.


Unfortunately I think things are going to plan in Iraq. I don't believe the current administration really wanted to rebuild Iraq. Yeah, lives are lost, but I think it was much easier for Bush to hand out contracts to those who supported him. Given the dangerous environment, the markups are extremely attractive.


I think the world has lost a great opportunity here and because of how Bush handled the aftermath, a much more dangerous place.



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