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Da Vinci Lack of Subtitles


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Agreed about pirate dvd's and the like having poor subtitles, but if you get a print from Hollywood with English translations i.e. The Da Vinci Code or a DVD that is not a bootleg with English subtitles for the movie they are usually pretty well done.


I think these kind of subtitles are quite helpful to a Thai who speaks English, but who may or may not have trouble with accents, mumbling, etcetera :dunno: as alot of that occurs in films.


In the specific case of the Da Vinci Code or any films released here in foreign languages I don't understand why subtitles that would've been on the films original print for an English language audience would be removed for sections not in English (Latin and French). I would venture few people understand spoken Latin, as it is a dead language. Why not just add the Thai as well?


So, it is a different subject to discuss the poor subtitles. Trust me I'm well aware of how bad some Thai subtitles are, and even to the point the jokes cease to be jokes and things don't make sense in a films plot at all!!! :doah: Pirate DVD's are the worst or indie films where they can't afford a decent translator oftentimes.




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