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C*r*n*tion Week Book Club


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so here I am travelling and working in the US of ameriKKKa for a few months, and let me tell you, have I got a big ole boner for that new book that just got published by Y*le *nivers*ty Pr*ss, you know, the one we're not supposed to talk about (or is that Fight Club?), which details the DARK SIDE of a certain m*n*rch of a certain SEAsian nation who shall remain nameless...


I haven't read it yet, I'm waiting for my next destination where I can get my subversive little paws on it in my friendly university library...


I recently also found out that a friend of mine, Thai fellow who was one of the leaders of the student revolts in 1973 (when the gov't first started killing student protestors), and who is now a history professor at a major US university, was one of the internal reviewers for the book...since he's a staunch anti-r*y*l*st and critic of the status quo in said certain SEAsian country, that's only gonna make it better.


that's right folks, the analytically-thinking, independent minded Thais are out there--they've just all left Thailand, heh.


anyway, I'll be posting a full review of the book on this board...NOT!!!


that is all.



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it is expensive, and as of yet only in hard cover, that's why I'm waiting to avail myself of the services of my friendly university library...


I dunno, though, there are a lot of thai students at that school, could already be a waiting list (I'm not kidding)...I mean, where else could they read it?



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