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Bangladesh? I hear its the cheapest!


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spent a couple of years there, left about aug 2001.

when went sniffing, but know people who did, and these are their blow by blow accounts.

outside the bagha club in gulshan, girls used to mill around in the trees and bushes. once had to wait an age while a m8 was having a couple blow him!

paralell to the bagha is a more upmarket venue, called club 2000, relating to the price. i knew a contractor who lioved next door, and on the nights he didn't hit the bagha, he'd sit upstairs and watch his lads troop in their one by one!

the gulshan avenue leading to the pak embassy had a few girls hiding in the central reservation, waiting for drunks on rickshaws.

a well entracnced rumour had that one of the many chinese restaurants there had a few working oriental girls. just a rumour. oh and a katoey has settled there with her bangla boyfriend wher he/she runs a hair salon!!!

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