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Keep my mouth shut???


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Very few things annoy me more than apartment building owners who attract new residents with the promise of having cable TV.

I'd like to relate an incident that happened to me today and you can be my judge and jury.

I work at an apartment building with rooms in the 7,000 - 12,000 bracket. The owner of the building is a Thai-Chinese tightwad whom I've never met and the manager is an elderly Thai-Chinese guy with whom I get on very well.

Over the past few months quite a number of residents have checked out because they have lost the sports channel and CNN. The manager tells them that the cable package is being upgraded but after a week or so of nothing happening, the residents vote with their feet and look for new apartments.

I am privy to secret information - the owner has no intention of having the aforementioned channels put in because the cost would be too high - information that he doesn't share with the residents. However, he continues to advertise the building as having the full cable TV selection of channels.

Today I was sitting in the reception area reading the Bangkok Post (something of a daily ritual) and a young Englishman came in asking about a room. He made it quite clear that he was a huge football fan and the ESPN sports channel was very important to him. "Do you have it" he asked.

"Yes we have" replied the receptionist (whom I don't particularly like)

At this point, feeling the hairs on my neck beginning to rise, I marched over to give my fellow countryman a bit of help. I told him that they did not have the sports channel or several other popular channels. In fact, unless he liked Indian soap operas, he probably wouldn't get much enjoyment from the TV at all. He thanked me wholeheartedly and went on his way.

Ten minutes later - enter the manager, who let me say at this point speaks excellent English.

"you are forcing my customers away" he said in a low voice.

"You are lying to the customers" I said "you've been promising to install the sports channel for 2 months and done nothing. That's why at least 12 residents have checked out"

"It's none of your business" he replied, beginning to lose it a little.

"Perhaps not" I said (also beginning to lose it) " but if I were in that English guy's position, I would hope someone did the same thing for me"

And with that he turned on his heels and walked away. I'm not sure what he's got planned for me but it possibly involves concrete boots and the insertion of a dead fish. Or he'll get the sports channel put in.

Dear Ann Landers,

Should I have kept my mouth shut?

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Phil, Anns out of action at the moment (away getting her tits lifted) but in the interests of self preservation you probably would have been wise to keep quiet, BUT I and most others certainly would have spoken out (as you did).

I sure he won't go to all the bother of the concrete boots routine, maybe just a quick disembowlment while your sleeping, thats all!

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Phil, you did the right thing. As you put it, anyone in that English guy's position would have wanted someone to do the same. It's a simple matter of decency and honesty.

Maybe the owner wasn't used to this sort of outspoken honesty and help from a man to his own compatriate, but if not, now he is. He can now choose whether to hate you or to learn that people sometimes stick up for each other if dishonesty is apparent.

I would have done exactly the same.

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What you did was morally right, but Thailand is not a silly summer Bible camp so questions of "did I do the right thing?" are hard to answer from one perspective alone. The manager obviously thinks you did the wrong thing because he probably has less morals than a single-celled organism has brain cells. (But he is not the first Thai-Chinese to lie to get business.) The result of being honest is you have ruined your relationship with practically every Thai in the place. If you need something from them in the future, don't hold your breath. However, I doubt your life is in danger. But, if it makes you feel better, I believe you did that right thing.

One thing I have noticed is Thais react strongly, in a volcanic sense, to when somebody catches them in a lie. Rather than be ashamed, they get aggressive. It is considered a big sin to make somebody lose face and you committed that sin even though they are the true sinners.

But I would have done the same thing too. Don't you find it fun when they freak out over losing face when it is their fault to begin with? If you really want to see them freak tell them "Mai dong moo-sa" which is the Pali Buddhist precept: "Don't lie!"

Let us know how things go with those liars in the future. All the best.

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Dear Bangkok Phil

You certainly didn't excede in being honest in front of your fellow country man.

Living without the sports channel is pain in the ass and no fun. But perhaps you could have followed the poor boy when he left and out of sight of the manager before informing him. Letting the manager know your pissed off in front of clients never wins any awards. The manager also doen't have the sports channel and is as likely as piss off as you.


Madman Landers.

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Always amazes me how people are so cheap.

It's like the restaurant owner who keeps the price of the pizza the same, but skimps on the ingredients. (his idea of making money)

Instead of raising the price, but keeping the quality the same.

I dont understand why that owner cant raise the price to 8,000 to 13,000 maybe. And keep the cable. But, I wont get into that.

Did you do THE right thing....Yes.

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You done the right thing. And Thai people also would thank you for your help

if they would are in same position as the

you English-man looking for a room. Most

Thai people dont like the dirty business

game too.

But on your position, change you Apartment.

Not for dangerous but what joke coming next

to the tenants?

wink.gif" border="0

[ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: Mentors ]

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