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Guardian hacks new UK passports


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three million UK citizens have been issued with the new ultra-secure passports, which incorporate microchips to store the holder's details and biometrics.


the chip was not encrypted but to get to it you had to start up an encrypted conversation between the reader and the RFID chip in the passport. To do that all you need is the numbers which are printed on the passport. Then it took Laurie 48 hours write some code to make some sense of the data.


if you can read the chip, you can also clone it.



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anything that is made with a chip can be hacked ,


especially if there is big money in it like passport fraud ,


Only an idiot (oops government) believes the bullshit that "this is 100% secure"


and then expects it to be secure for 10 years more , impossible ,


Glad they hacked it so quick , now everyone knows its not secure and can think of something else :)


can you hack an "eye fingerprint" yet



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