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Trial of UK bombers starts..


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Some time after the event we are now starting the court proceedings against the 2nd wave of suicide bombers in London.

BBC News

Alongside that was the Channel 4 Despatches programme that yet again provides evidence of Saudi money and imams sponsoring jihad/wahabisist idiology. These fuckers are real evil,with 'respectable' imams saying one thing in public but very different subversive things in private to their own communities.

There's nothing new revealed today, I'm sure MI5 have got them all under constant surveilance and know exactly what they're up to, but like the americans unwilling to take on the Saudi establishment.

Sooner or later someone has to take a stand.





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Problem is that Britain, like most other Western "democracies" is run not for the good of the people but for the benefit of the elite.


If it suits them to turn a blind eye to the extremist actions of the Saudis for the sake of profit, then this is what they will do.


The people who run the Western "kleptocracies" couldn't give a rat's ass about the common man.

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Truth is companies like BAE and BP are so locked into Saudi oil and money they'll do anything to keep the relationship going. And no British government is ever going to do a damn thing about it.


It would be interesting to see a situation where the UK has to make a serious choice between the Saudis and Israel.

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