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Those nasty Brits again


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Guest lazyphil

well fidel as a tax payer here i'd rather it went on mi5 funding to root out the haters/bombers than for example of wastage a bunch of freeloading 'asylum' seeking lowlife scumbags......btw this does not make me racist just realistic :(

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The thing that irks about these Muslim fun(somehow it doesn't seem right that the word fun should be in this word)damentalists is that they seem to look for any opportunity to take offence.

When the Algerian military/police were cracking down on Muslim fundamentalist terrorists a few years ago where were the UK fundamentalists then? They weren't protesting about attacks on their Muslim brothers and sisters. When the Indonesian Army twatted the East Timorese where were the UK fundamentalists?


Surely if they're genuinely bothered about their Muslim brothers and sisters getting whacked they would be protesting every day of the week outside various embassies? But they're not. And we all know why. 'Cos they're just a load of windbag tosspot agent provocateurs.


Hang 'em I say. Hang the lot of 'em.

Or if not, lock 'em up and throw away the key.


Well okay, if that's not possible then at least cut their benefits.

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I do not see how you get to that. This is pretty definative:


The revelation demonstrates the scale of the task facing MI5 and the police, who are now discovering or disrupting some kind of terrorist plot in the United Kingdom every six weeks. Up to 12 plots of all kinds have been discovered in the past year and a half.

Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the director-general of MI5, revealed last November that there were an estimated 1,600 suspected terrorist involved in at least 200 networks in Britain.


Estimated 1,600 terrorists: even if 50% wrong and it could be the other way, that makes 800. That is a scary figure.


Yes, i'm inclined to never believe a word of it...this is the same bunch of people who produced a dossier before the Iraq war stating Saddam had WMDs, which Colin Powell waved around a lot and was proven later to be totally bullshit.


Also, if they are disrupting/discovering plots, where are the fucking arrests? You'd think these 'known' fundentalists would qualify for removal from mainstream society...they are after all plotting criminal acts, which is an offence.It's logic, you need evidence to state with certainty such plotting is transpiring, so if you have evidence, you arrest!


Jesus...it's all bullshit....and keeps the assembled masses downtrodden and fearful...


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