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Thousands Of TSA Uniforms And Badges Stolen


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TSA is the organization that checks the luggage and passengers before boarding airplanes in the USA. It appears they have been lax in regards to their uniforms and badges which some claim is a major breach in security.


Here is the article:


Thousands of TSA uniforms and badges are missing from dozens of airports including Sacramento.


The TSA admits they uniforms and badges have been stolen. Most of the thefts happened at LAX where two screeners from that airport have gone public about the thefts, but are asking to conceal their identity.


"It's like trick-or-treating. You're giving them the costume to do what they want. If anyone gets these uniforms and badges they can pretty much walk in and do what they want." said one of the screeners from LAX.


The TSA confirms one TSA uniform and two badges were stolen from Sacramento International Airport..


But the agency is downplaying the problem saying the missing uniforms don't pose a threat because every screener has to go through security before they check in for work.



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