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Beejay Back in Los without the Missus


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BeeJay Back in the Los Without the Missus Part 1


These reports are posted out of sync..



This time I came back to the Los without the missus, but with a mission:


1. to have some teeth fixed

2. Sanuk

3. Golf


People not knowing me as Bee Jay and reading this report will identify me on the spot by this report, but who cares, you only life onceâ?¦



I setup my Spring trip to last longer by visiting the Dentist to get some teeth replaced by crowns in bangers.

The pickup was pefect , a real Limo (Stretched Jappo Car with leather and white gloved driver picked me up from the airport, as I was about to spent a few Hundreds of Thousands in Baht on new teeth this was one of the privileges.


I was driven quickly and efficiently to my Hotel on Suk Soi 19 and did S.S.S. be4 going to the dentist on the same soi. A few hrs later I was already missing some teeth and wearing part of my new temporary crowns, Not much pain, and ready for a quick relieve I went to Lolitas to get my 1st CIM this trip.

She did her stuff, blew my Mind by blowing (and sucking) my Brains. Took the whole load in her mouth and left me Knee shaking. Still tired I decided for a few beers only in Roadhouse on suk 19 and went to bed. Knowing that the next day would be instinsive in the dentist chair.


Who Right I was, mind staggering 7 hrs in the chair left me we more Temporary crows, a little pain and a Desire for a good massage. So was arranged, I took a manicure, pedicure and Oil Massage on my regular Shop on Suk near Suk 5. Knowing that a HJ would not be offered but a good massage was what I wanted. After the treatment I visted the Friday meeting and visited a few bars on SC afterwards. Nothing to my liking there and I decided for a ride and slide in Darlings.

Again my darling waited for me, She knows me and my preferences and was a pure pleasure again. She made sure I came twice. Once while pounding her and the other time while she was licking my exit hole and shaft , while she shagged me off. (she still refuses CIM though) . Great orgasms that made me whish no more and decided me to have a few beers only in the roadhouse, even if the ladies there would offer more to a lone rider. My mind was now set to Golf and I decided to check out early (5 am) to catch the 6am Bus south to HH to meet my friends and Play golf..




The bus trip was without problems and I arrived in time to catch up with my friends on the course for the late morning Tee-Off.


That Night I went to my regular Bar in HuaHin and was greeted by the staff as a lost son. The older ladies all know I like the more younger 20 > 30 Olds, but treat me as their friend as I treat these ladies with a lot of respect and they make sure all my (non sexual) wishesâ?? are take care off. Some of the younger staff knows my reputation of good spender for my bar fines, the newer girls and most welcome girls only know my name though. But the buzz was: Bee jay is in town for a few weeks, Who will be the lucky oneâ?¦


Regular reader will notice that I forgot to mention little OY, she caught my eye last trips already and was very nice to me even last trip when the wife was only 50 yards away.. She was my prey , but WTF, she told, sorry Bee Jay, can not, do not want to fall in love with you, want to stay friends only, will not go with you, you will break my heart. Shit that changed my plans. Now new plans needed to be drawn. But still enough time to plan and execute left.


But then FUCK ME, the ***** from my annoyed by story all off a sudden showed up. OY knew that I would be in town starting that Night and all off a sudden she showed up and wanted to talk with me. I did not object but told he straight that she stepped ofer the line more then once in the past and I did not want to talk with her in the future and our friendship as well as our business relationship was ended as far as I was concerned. This talk took 3 minutes. She went back to her â??new friendsâ?Â. (came back the next evening asking if we could still be friends which I reclined and never heared of her ever since).


Now I knew that OY was her friend and afraid that she would be harmed / or ashemd if she went with me me and that I needed to retarget for sure. I already noticed a real beauty that night (Joy) but decided to hunt the Freelancer path and went to Hilton disco.


Frequent readers know that Beejay does the Jive and enjoys body rubbing and grinding in the disco almost as much as on the horizontal dance floor. Again I was surrounded by girls with some time but had a hard time deciding. The girl I was most attracted to did not seem to be interested (not in the game? Already occupied, always difficult to tell in Hilton Disco in HH).

I saw some of the Girls coming from the bars including Joy I quickly grabbed a smoke from her but neglected her further as she was still dancing with her friends ( this offended her she told me later) and started belly rubbing with a Lady that had a lot of Japanese features. ( she came from Kanchanburi , must be a coincidence) we quickly found the same body rithm and headed off for the bedroom, Some good sex followed where I â??accidentally â?? shot my load in her mouth while half-fisting this lady. She worked in a clothes shop and needed some extra money, I gave her some that day and took her for three more nights before I decided to change lady.


That Night I had a few good pool rounds with little Joyâ?¦.


( Read on in Beejay and steven leather) http://www.thai360.com/fbb/showtopic.php?tid/518896/






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