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Japan to acquire 100 U.S. F-22 fighters


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"U.S. law forbids the export of the F-22, nicknamed the "dream fighter jet," to protect its technology. But Congress seems ready to change the law to lift the ban and the Bush administration already has expressed its willingness to negotiate with Tokyo over the sale of the stealth fighters."


Yep, change the law and sell to the Japn. What the hell, we'll make what? 2 Billion or 20 Billion? (My math isn't great, I came up with 20 Billion for 100 times 200 million each. All them fucking zeros-get it?!) Off the sale. To hell with keeping the technology for ourselves for the time being. Let's make money George. I guess it is time to rearm the Japanese to take on the Chinese and possibly North Korea? Anyone else a bit uncomfortable with Abe?


How the hell is it possible to 'negotiate' to sell something that it is now illegal to sell?




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Taiwain will be mainland controlled eventually. China knows we won't committ to its defense militarily. From what I've read, we've pretty much told them Taiwan is there since Nixon visited the mainland over 30 years ago.


China has a lot of internal problems, especially rural v. the urban areas where the money is being spent. My hope is that captialism takes such a strong root that it opens the door for new freedoms and then democracy after.

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The relationship between Beijing and Hong Kong was very different than Beijing and Taiwan.


Hong Kong was leased for 99 years so they knew they would be going back to them. Taiwan was more antogonistic, left over from the Chiang Kai-Shek days after WWII. That one is dicier.

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Taiwan will be under Chinese control. Its just a matter of when. America won't shed blood over it. During the cold war...maybe...and that's a big maybe but right now..nah. The best the Taiwanese can do is get a better version of that one country, two systems thingy Hong Kong has with them.

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