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'Atheistic fundamentalism' fears


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Bill Murray spoke critically of his mother after her disappearance:


"My mother was an evil person... Not for removing prayer from America's schools... No, she was just evil. She stole huge amounts of money. She misused the trust of people. She cheated children out of their parents' inheritance. She cheated on her taxes and even stole from her own organizations. She once printed up phony stock certificates on her own printing press to try to take over another atheist publishing company."





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C'mon Chuck! I mean, there's lots of wars and violence and civil liberty snuffing done in the name of atheism...NOT!



I don't think invading Iraq had a lot to do with religion SD. The soldiers/contractors are there for patriotic reasons....also for money and excitement. For Bush I'd say protecting Israel was a big part of it but it was mostly just plain economics.


The archbishop has his own beliefs obviously but he's right about 'atheistic fundamentalism'. There's plenty of anger on all sides. And I've run into some pretty angry atheists.


I'm an atheist myself BTW but I can't say it answers all my questions. :beer:

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I think the Archbishop has a point. There are some real militant atheists out there. Strange times.




We need more militant atheists to counter the many militant religious nutters I my opinion. Want to have a nativity scene? Put it on your front lawn or in your home, private property, or on church property. No problem then is there?There's no need for it on public property. Government and public property is for all. The government is not in the business of promoting religion, any religion. I also feel ALL religions and their property should pay taxes, another thing that pisses me off.




P.S. Merry Xmas! :snowlaugh:xmascheer:santa::elf:

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"Sort of like "I don't believe it, so you can't either!""


I think it has much more to do with the 'seperation of church and state', something this government and past ones have forgotten about. Our forefathers, many/all christians, knew it is not good to have the government over run and run by religious zealots of ANY religion. Always comes to a bad end, whether christian, Muslim, whatever. Governments should be totally secular.




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That wouldn't bother me in the least. But it must apply to ALL religions. As things stand now, it only seems to apply to Christianity. If no nativity scenes, then no menorahs, no lighting the Umpire State building in green for Eid el Fitr etc etc.



p.s. Nutters are nutters, no matter what they believe or don't believe. Keep them out of religion - and in politics, where they belong!







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Exactly! ALL religions, not one or the other, ALL of them. Let them place their religious icons on their fucking tax free properties and in the privacy of their homes and private properties. I have no problem with that at all. The problem comes when they want to use PUBLIC property to promote their fairy tales. Freedom of religion, and freedom FROM religion.



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