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Spains National Anthem


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â??You try to get as many guarantees as you can but when you see a player you can know his character,â? remarked the 58-year-old.


â??There is no better study than to watch somebody play. When he goes on the football pitch he becomes who he really is.


â??In normal life you can hide. On the football pitch you show who you really are. That is why you should watch a player well so you can see behind his character because he delivers that with his performance.â?Â





Viva EspaÃ?a! From the green valleys to the vast sea, a hymn of brotherhood." After four months, six experts, and 7000 entries to propose lyrics for the Spanish national anthem, one might be forgiven for asking: is that really the best they can do?



For decades Spain's athletes have stood awkwardly on awards podiums, forced to hum their wordless anthem while winners from elsewhere sang their paeans to national glory. In October, the Spanish Olympic committee, seeking to bring an end to their suffering, launched a competition to put words to the Marcha Real, Spain's official tune since the 18th century...





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