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Record EU fine for Microsoft


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The European Union is fining Microsoft Corp. $1.3 billion for charging rivals too much for software information.


EU regulators say the company charged "unreasonable prices" to software developers who wanted to make products compatible with the Windows operating system. The fine is the largest ever for a single company and the first time the EU has penalized a business for failing to obey an antitrust order.



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Microsoft has never done much "creating". In the 1980's Microsoft, did not "create" MS-DOS, they licenced it. And Windows 95/98/etc would not be internet compatible if they hadn't "borrowed" the TCP/IP stack from the Berkeley BSD Open Source movement (which they closed). Microsoft are a gang of convicted monopolists who used illegal business practices to drive all their competitors out of business. They should have been split up by the Supreme Court back in 2000, to lower prices for customers. (In the same way that AT&T Ma Bell was broken up in the '70s.) Unfortunately Bush's nominees sided with the worlds biggest corporation and not the 13 States (whose software costs had become so high that they sued Microsoft.)

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