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Wall Street English Blowjob gals


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97% success rate


The obvious question when you see this is: "success at what?" It doesn't take much to figure out that this means nothing. But what makes it stranger still is that this success rate - whatever it is - is measured by another Wall Street school in France.


They continue to use this ploy, so I assume it must work. This is an obvious case of innumeracy, and yet it appears to be succesful here (otherwise they would presumably drop it). Why hasn't anyone in the press here called them on it?

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Why would someone want to go there and learn to speak "American" instead of English?? :doah:


Awful when a you are introduced to a Thai with good English skills, they open their mouth and a cheap-sounding pseudo-California-valley-girl American accent comes out of it.


Why do Thais want to sound American and not English?? :(


Hear this all the time with Singapore Airlines crew and Singapore girls in general.


(Sorry - nothing against you Yanks personally).


Hmm. Well, lets look at this from a subjective view.


If a Thai were to move to the US then American English would be the best choice.


Now if he/she were to be relocating to one of the crown colonies or Great Britain itself, then (regular/original) English would be the best choice.


If he/she was trying to get a job with the BBC or CNN I would suggest Hong Kong English.


That's why, little pig.

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