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Wartime author mystery 'solved'/BBC


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Sure there are no claim in the German AAR (which are usually very accurate) of having downed a P38 but it is not the first German pilot not to report having downed an allies aircraft. (for various reasons)


It should also be noted that many newspapers reporting the "news" are full of bullshit having copy paste........

(for example: Report that the Me109 was on a recco mission.......


About sons of Politicians going for their tour of duty.

Since our western civilization vilifies a bit after WW2 everything which involves the word "war"

(for right and wrong reasons) and since many armies are now professional ones here are my views.

If you sign for it then you should expect one day to be sent to the "real action" and thus you must acept the risks.

Of course, criticizing once you are in an army is something I value as it can only improve the army's safety and efficiency.

I am proud to have enlisted in the army as it provided me with a lot of invaluable experience.

(I do not like being fired at for example but then you realize what team work and operational coordination are for)

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Even [color:red]politicians' sons[/color]! Clearly' date=' it was another age.








John McCain's son was with me in Iraq.


As were Oliver North's and Jim Web's sons


Agreed that many young men from all backgrounds still make a life in the military.

WW1 almost wiped out the ruling classes of Europe on both sides.

Mr Maxim, Mr Gatling, Mr Vickers et al took all the sportsmanship out of war and caused a marked reluctance among many people to get too close to the front line.

I suppose you could say that what is the use of having money and influence if you can't use it to prevent your son and heir being killed?



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