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drogon last won the day on May 24

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About drogon

  • Birthday 09/11/1976

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  1. In to contribute too.
  2. I really liked him and we kept in contact through the years, so sorry for his family and particularly his children.
  3. I did not know -> my mobile phone got lost and my computer got some water....hence no more emails from worldfun, really unfortunate I was not aware he had moved to Spain.
  4. No, you are indeed right, your memory is incredible. I did open a small bar-burger joint on soi 22 but then I had enough turnover to break even but that was all, so I sold the place and went back to work in IT in Spain in 2007.
  5. Went to a board meeting once where I met Khunsanuk and several others but I do remember that, afterwards, every time I met a board member something major happened in my life. Khunsanuk: met him to discuss getting a web banner done. Flashermac: Met him once too at the no name bar (when it was still on Sukhumvit), met the prettiest and sweetest lady but I was too much of a coward to follow-up properly... Stickman: met him and hired him when he was playing private detective Dumsoda: travelled once up to Surin to meet him -> thanks to him I met up with a lady with whom I kept contact with while she was in Sweden....till the husband called me asking me who the hell I was...(did not know she had a husband but I was young and foolish) Worldfun: went out a few times with him (and I helped him discover the world of Japanese ktv lounges), for my part the result was (once again) meeting a young lady whose boyfriend later called me on my professional phone while I was back in my office in Spain....(again, I was not aware there was a boyfriend who had promised to marry her), this taught me that (real) Thai college students can be as tricky as bargirls.... I do believe that is all (as I am very bad with names), I met a few other board members but can't remember their names (if they ever told me theirs).
  6. Great, like we don't have enough problems with Russia these days they even need to advertise crap here....in freaking Cyrillic, would it kill those people to write in English....
  7. Yeah, you are right, as usual being a tourist or working/living there is a different perspective. When do you think you will work again? Any idea of where that might be?
  8. Guess you are getting better and itching to move after getting bed ridden for so long. Glad you enjoyed Vietnam, I did not enjoy it at all (been there once only with a colleague whose wife is Vietnamese) which surprised me given the beauty of many Vietnamese women. Where do you think you might retire?
  9. Are you now retired or do you still go around the world?
  10. Yeah I still am (slightly) limping thanks to that idiot. Left Spain in 2012 and have been working in Brussels since (with very occasional trips to other European locations of the company). @Old Hippie if you do go to France, Germany I am next door (no plan going to the UK anytime soon thanks to UK's border force stupidity.
  11. Well I got married 13 years ago, have one boy and have been working in IT in Europe since I left Thailand in 2007, so a very normal uneventful life. What about you?
  12. Hi, yeah I am still alive
  13. hi, incredible the board is still going on. Thanks again to khunsanuk for the moral support he provided me a long time ago.
  14. drogon

    The Covid-19 thread

    https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/thai-health-minister-has-a-slash-at-dirty-farang Seems that guy really can't shut his mouth...
  15. drogon

    Thailand or TIT

    First one is kind of hilarious, especially seen from far away https://www.bangkokpost.com/learning/easy/1852809/health-minister-apologises-for-racist-outburst Second one is scary https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1853334/17-killed-as-soldier-opens-fire-in-korat
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