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No sun link to climate change


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I really don't know who's telling the truth regarding global warming. I do think it's foolish to continue pumping out greenhouse gasses until the real cause is proven absolute, which I don't think as been done yet. Can anyone explain the similar rise in average temperature of Mars to that on planet earth? There's no burning of fossil fuels on the red planet, so why is the planet warming at a similar rate to our earth? Link

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I think pumping out greenhouse gases is madness anyway regardless of the effect.

However you can rest assured that the Indians and Chinese will be doing at a considerable rate for the next couple of decades or more.

Any criticism from developed countries will receive the reply, "you did it while you were getting yours, now we want ours".

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I do think it's foolish to continue pumping out greenhouse gasses until the real cause is proven absolute...


In science there is no such thing as absolute proof. With something so complex as the global climate there will always be substantial uncertainty as to what is really going on.

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Any criticism from developed countries will receive the reply, "you did it while you were getting yours, now we want ours".


I bet Saddam wished that one worked when he went into Kuwait: "You grabbed your territory by force, now we want ours". Or how about allowing developing countries to import slaves from Africa because it's their turn now? The world changes. Just because a nation did something in its past doesn't mean it should be a right of others to take the easy way out. Other countries should find a different path to prosperity rather than repeating wrongs. That's why the US was against kyoto, it gave huge polluters a free pass.


As far as green house gases, meat eaters are the blame for more green houses gases than anything else. Why isn't this covered in the news? Why aren't those like Gore that are for cutting green house gases vegetarians?


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