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Bar etiquette


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Last night I made eye contact smiles etc with a dancer, but when she stopped dancing I realized she was already drinking with a guy (seated very close). We kept joking with each other for some time, she was making signs telling me later she would go out with me. I wasn't confortable for the guy she was drinking with, but it was fun to joke. During another dance a waiter called her from stage : a third guy had hired her (and it seemed compulsory)!

Is it normal to do so ?

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I started a similar thread about a month ago as I had a girl barfined away from me while she was sitting with me. I was going to take her, but was taking my time and not rushing things. It pissed me off at the time, but I guess it was my fault for not pulling the trigger quickly enough.

I even did this myself recently. I was with a friend and he asked who the best girl in the bar was. I pointed her out, but she had just sat down to have a drink with another guy. My friend wanted her, so I grabbed the mamasan and told her that if the guy doesn't want to pay bar, my friend will. She was in his lap in 30 seconds. At least I gave him the right of first refusal.


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What about etiquette for freelancer places, like Thermae, Nana Disco and Grace?

A few weeks ago, I was in Grace Coffee Shop, towards 4.00AM. The pickings were getting rather thin - down to one, actually - and I was idly considering whether to take her. I hadn't talked to her all night but I'd already been with her a few times.

Suddenly, I saw her moving, with her friend, unaccompanied towards the exit. I get up, follow (they're still alone) and, though her friend seems bothered about something, get her to go with me to PB Hotel. We start walking..

We get about 50 metres down Soi 3 when we hear a bark of "Hey! Where are you going?", sounds of pounding footsteps and a young American draws up from nowhere, panting.

"Where are you going?" he asks the girl. "What about us? I thought we had a deal."

"Can't you wait another 30 minutes?", I ask him.

"No. Why can't you?". (To the girl) - "What happened? I thought we had a deal.", he whined. "I go to talk to someone for a few minutes and you're gone."

She's looking a bit embarrassed and says nothing, but she's looking at me...I size it up..She knows he's a short-term holiday-maker and I've been here for ages. He's a very good-looking bastard too. I decide to save the situation. "How long are you here for?", I ask him

"I'm leaving tomorrow. How 'bout you?"

"Erm. Dunno yet. OK, then. You take her. Jeez, I hope someone does this for me someday."

He thanks me profusely. Girl calls me "jai dee maak" and promises to go with me the next day (she does, in fact, and gives me extra-special treatment laugh.gif" border="0laugh.gif" border="0 She's a nice girl, little Miss Jiggles. Apparently, he gave her 3000B.)

Anyway, what do you make of that? I think he should have held on to his lady, but I had to give it to him. I'd never seen a guy desperate enough to run 50 metres after a girl here before.

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That sounds a bit rough, mate. I may be over-reacting, but aren't you treating her a bit like a piece of meat at at a butcher shop???

"How long you here for?"

"I leave tomorrow."

"Alright mate, you take her. I'll have my turn tomorrow."

I always enjoyed what you write on this board, but didn't think you'd be a guy like that.

Not meaning to stir, just my 2 baht's worth.

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Fly -- Sounds like the girl was selling meat, not necessarily what you'd find in a butcher shop, more of the "hair pie" variety. smile.gif" border="0

I think Bibbles came up with a diplomatic solution for an awkward situation.

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Originally posted by FlyPapillon:


That sounds a bit rough, mate. I may be over-reacting, but aren't you treating her a bit like a piece of meat at at a butcher shop???

"How long you here for?"

"I leave tomorrow."

"Alright mate, you take her. I'll have my turn tomorrow."

I always enjoyed what you write on this board, but didn't think you'd be a guy like that.

Not meaning to stir, just my 2 baht's worth.

I've written worse than that!

The "Alright mate, you take her. I'll have my turn tomorrow." was more like words to that effect. I can't remember what I said, but I'm sure I phrased it beautifully.

Hey, I was the most polite person there! It was their fault - their mix-up, surely.

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