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yuan could dominate


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Seems many Thai "financial experts" are living in the clouds (as does the BOT)




Nobody taught them that for this to happen:

- It needs a bit more time for currencies such as USD, euro, yen to change fundamentally?


- China already is taking a serious hit (just looking at the number of factories closing) and next year with so many countries in recession I doubt their exportations will be as great as hoped.


I don't dimiss the possibility that in 20 or so years China could be the new super power

but not now...


By the way, if the yuan appreciates too much against other currencies then it will be very hard for China -> China doesn't have yet an internal market sufficiently developed and technologically self-sufficient.


Dreams are my reality for some people

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One of the big economic problems, over the last few years, has been the refusal of the Chinese to allow the Yuan to appreciate; to an extant you could blame part of the current problem on them.

I am sure the Yuan could well be a worldwide currency in the future, but that will require, as a starter, for the Chinese allowing it to stand on its own feet and not manipulate it.

Another rather typical ill informed statement by a Thai finance minister proving he really does not have a clue what he is talking about. TITS


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