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Weird stuff going on in my email


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Someone has been sending requests to the US government National Institute of Health (NIH) requesting information on Thailand child prostitution and AIDS to be returned to my personal email account. I'm more than a bit weirded out by it. This is the only Thai related site I browse and post from. I do read stickman's column. But i've never started any research into Thai child prostitution and it's not a topic I really care all that about.


So someone knows of my interest in Thailand and is now spoofing emails from my account. Any thoughts on what this could be?

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Have you actually seen emails in your 'sent' box that you did not send? That's what I take to mean spoofing. That's a big problem. Change your password and contact your email provider and explain what is happening.


Perhaps someone has just used your email address and input it into a form to request more info. This would be a minor annoyance. Mark the emails you receive as spam.


Perhaps you have traded emails with someone online that poses as a thai girl [hi5, myspace, facebook, etc.] but has a different motive [christian missionary, lesbian, boss hogg]?


Perhaps you butterflied on a calculating bar girl and this is the beginning of the payback?


I and other board members could spin this several thousand different ways. Here is what I would do:


1.] Change your email password on a secure machine.


2.] Forward troubling emails to yourself so you have a record of the communication and tuck them away into a folder should you need to provide them to the authorities.


3.] Check with the ISP/email provider and alert them of the problem. Forward them the email and save the communication in your 'evidence' folder.


4.] Mark the original messages as spam but keep an eye on your 'spam' folder and save any that are new.


5.] Change your overall routine, watch your back, be a little more careful how you treat people.


6.] Start mixing up the bar routine.


7.] don't think to much


8.] get a soapy


9.] create a secondary 'spam' email address to communicate with people you do not know. Treat your actual email address with a bit more caution.


10.] feed an elephant.


11.] Wake up early and give some alms to a monk.


12.] try to increase overall Jai Dee'ness by wearing non threatening glasses.



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