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DTAC (feel good) SUCKS - Avoid!


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well yeah I feel like ranting as their customer service is useless & actually their network is pretty bad as well - frequent dropped calls 'everywhere & anywhere' & no 3G at all yet if ever... :rolleyes:


it's foreign owned & supposedly foreign friendly, but I feel more to the contrary & thus wants to warn thatonce in you may have to struggle more than hard to get out! :banghead:


prices, services also not really competitive so I've diceded to do a 'soft switch' to True move i.e. continue use the number, but not pay until they block it & use new True Move as unbeatable prices & 'convergence' especialy if already subscribing to 'vision' & adsl/wifi ;)


basically I've 'cancelled/terminated' my post paid (SME) around 4 times now, but still with no luck after handing in bundles of paper work, signatures, company stamps, faxes, calls et all :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: bunch of useless arseholes :drunk:


steer clear or if you must use prepaid ONLY!

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well to be fair I now 'caved in' & 'wasted' another 20 minutes or so at one of the major service centers i.e. with a bunch of seriously cute cust serv gals!

so the SIM's are now inactive & no more bills forthcoming (hopefully) - they even gave me a small gift for canceling my subscriptions ;)

I guess that means the lesson is NOT to waste ones time in minor incompetent shops in the first place... :rolleyes:


p.s. apparently now rama iv area particularly chumchari square etc offer DTAC 3G 'trial' coverage, but no access for regular subscribers :(:hmmm:

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