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Crazy Korean giving out cash!


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Yep, he sounds barking...giving people money must mean he's nuts...or a saint...


Again I missed it....I always miss free money......wonder if he was responsible for the last lot...




Korean Tourist detained following bizarre incident in Naklua.

Pattaya, September 24 [PATTAYA ONE NEWS] : On Thursday Morning Pattaya Police Officers received an urgent call to the Naklua Road close to the intersection with Soi Potisan following reports of a Korean Tourist who was walking in the center of the road and giving out his money to passing motorists. Fearing an accident, members of the public detained the man and called the Police. During this time, he collapsed and appeared to mentally break-down. For his own safety, Mr. Kim Sun Hee from South Korea who was carrying a substantial amount of Thai and Korean currency was taken to Hospital for a psychiatric assessment and Korean Embassy Officials were contacted so they could provide assistance to the man.


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