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How open are you about your mongering activities?


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Exactly, everyone "knows" already, so I shove their face it in, and then, oddly, they tend to knock off their bullshit.


Would prefer to be blunt and proclaim escapades vis a vis Charles Bukowski, Henry Miller, Hemingway, etc. But, I don't beyond a handful of friends. I'm breaking out of my chickenshit ways though.


Still, people here perceive me as a little reckless, so -- yeah. Nurses I work with say: "We know why you go to Thailand... not temples!" and do a wink. I just nod the head and smile.


Same with friend's sister and her compatriots bumped into at random happy hours, if I start talking about Thai culture they shake their heads like 'don't bullshit us.' But they're cool, it's more of a don't ask, don't tell policy. Of course if I was involved with one or married and supposed to be pure, dedicated, and monogamous.... fucking forget about it. One told me I was 'the perfect guy for a phase, but horrible for something serious.' She meant it as a jab, albeit light-hearted, but still a dig. And this one I respect.


I never told her how happy I was to hear that....



Ps. Not trying to legitimize, I don't need to, but I AM interested in the culture. Motherfuckers.



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